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mreidsma / 1.Sabbatical_Proposal.markdown
Last active March 11, 2018 00:44
Stablizers of Trust: A critical study of the algorithms behind library discovery systems (2018 Sabbatical Proposal)

Sabbatical Leave Request

You must address the following criteria in your Sabbatical Leave Request. Type on this form, save as a PDF document, and upload in the electronic sabbatical leave request system under the proposal section. The proposal shall not exceed ten (10) pages, excluding references and other supporting documents.

1. Descriptive Title for the Project

Stabilizers of Trust: A critical study of the algorithms behind library discovery systems

2. Goals and Objectives

chantastic / on-jsx.markdown
Last active September 17, 2024 16:40
JSX, a year in

Hi Nicholas,

I saw you tweet about JSX yesterday. It seemed like the discussion devolved pretty quickly but I wanted to share our experience over the last year. I understand your concerns. I've made similar remarks about JSX. When we started using it Planning Center, I led the charge to write React without it. I don't imagine I'd have much to say that you haven't considered but, if it's helpful, here's a pattern that changed my opinion:

The idea that "React is the V in MVC" is disingenuous. It's a good pitch but, for many of us, it feels like in invitation to repeat our history of coupled views. In practice, React is the V and the C. Dan Abramov describes the division as Smart and Dumb Components. At our office, we call them stateless and container components (view-controllers if we're Flux). The idea is pretty simple: components can't

Build a scalable Twitter clone with Django and

In this tutorial we are going to build a Twitter clone using Django and, a hosted API for newsfeed development.

We will show you how easy is to power your newsfeeds with For brevity we leave out some basic Django-specific code and recommend you refer you to the Github project for the complete runnable source code. At the end of this tutorial we will have a Django app with a profile feed, a timeline feed, support for following users, hashtags and mentions.

I assume that you are familiar with Django. If you're new to Django the [official tutorial] ( explains it very well.

nicoleslaw /
Last active June 14, 2024 17:42
Tiny Content Framework

Tiny Content Framework

About the project

This is a tiny content strategy framework focused on goals, messages, and branding. This is not a checklist. Use what you need and scrap the rest. Rewrite it or add to it. These topics should help you get to the bottom of things with clients and other people you work with.

Give me feedback on Twitter (@nicoleslaw) or by email (
