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AdaRoseCannon / HTMLElementPlus.js
Last active March 3, 2023 11:33
HTML Element Plus for Web Components
'use strict';
class HTMLElementPlus extends HTMLElement {
static defaultAttributeValue() {
/* the name of the attribute is parsed in as a parameter */
static parseAttributeValue(name, value) {
if (document.body.animate && typeof Animation === 'undefined') {
window.Animation = document.body.animate({}).constructor;
if (typeof Animation !== 'undefined' && Animation.prototype.finished === undefined) {
Object.defineProperty(Animation.prototype, 'finished', {get: function () {
if (this.__finishPromise) return this.__finishPromise;
if (this.playState === 'finished') {
this.__finishPromise = Promise.resolve();
} else {
surma / importPolyfill.js
Created May 6, 2017 17:17
Polyfill for dynamic module loading
_registry = {};
importPolyfill = path => {
if(!(path in _registry)) {
const entry = _registry[path] = {};
entry.promise = new Promise(resolve => entry.resolve = resolve);
type: 'module',
innerText: `import * as X from '${path}'; _registry['${path}'].resolve(X);`,
brendandawes / Dawesome Design
Last active December 22, 2022 10:13
A contract for general design services.

This contract for general design sevices is a hybrid of this one on Docracy and the AIGA one also found on Docracy. I wanted something that was simple yet covered the important bits such as payment schedule, kill fee, liability, rights etc. Change the parts in square brackets to suit. I've had this checked by a lawyer but I recommend if you decide to use it you also get it looked at by a lawyer too. Never do work without a contract in place. The majority of clients are good, decent and want to create great work with you — having a solid contract in place will strengthen that relationship and provide you with protection should things go awry.

Agreement for commission of work between [Designer Name] (Designer)

and [Client Name] (Client)

on [Date]

Shattering Images

I tried to make a gallery, but the images keep shattering when I click on them... I'll need to use more sturdy materials next time.

(Delaunay triangulation part 2)

A Pen by Szenia Zadvornykh on CodePen.

paulirish /
Last active September 22, 2024 11:16
What forces layout/reflow. The comprehensive list.

What forces layout / reflow

All of the below properties or methods, when requested/called in JavaScript, will trigger the browser to synchronously calculate the style and layout*. This is also called reflow or layout thrashing, and is common performance bottleneck.

Generally, all APIs that synchronously provide layout metrics will trigger forced reflow / layout. Read on for additional cases and details.

Element APIs

Getting box metrics
  • elem.offsetLeft, elem.offsetTop, elem.offsetWidth, elem.offsetHeight, elem.offsetParent
paulirish / bling.js
Last active August 27, 2024 04:55
bling dot js
/* bling.js */
window.$ = document.querySelectorAll.bind(document);
Node.prototype.on = window.on = function (name, fn) {
this.addEventListener(name, fn);
NodeList.prototype.__proto__ = Array.prototype;
alexis89x / broadcast-channel-es6.js
Last active July 23, 2024 06:31
Broadcast Channel API polyfill
@class BroadcastChannel
A simple BroadcastChannel polyfill that works with all major browsers.
Please refer to the official MDN documentation of the Broadcast Channel API.
@see <a href="">Broadcast Channel API on MDN</a>
@author Alessandro Piana
@version 0.0.6
fta2012 / DragTransform
Last active May 1, 2024 21:15
Slightly modified compiled coffeescript from this codepen: Paste into console on a page that has jQuery to load the two dependent libraries (jquery-ui and numericjs). Then call makeTransformable('#selector-name') to make that element WYSIWYG editable. Use inspector to get the CSS for the transforms.
var selector = 'img' // Replace this with the selector for the element you want to make transformable
jQuery.getScript('//', function() {
jQuery.getScript('//', function() {
(function() {
var $, applyTransform, getTransform, makeTransformable;
$ = jQuery;
w0rm / svgstore.html
Created August 6, 2014 15:26
Load combined svg file into body
<!-- load combined svg file (with symbols) into body-->
(function (doc) {
var scripts = doc.getElementsByTagName('script')
var script = scripts[scripts.length - 1]
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest()
xhr.onload = function () {