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Potherca /
Last active September 5, 2024 16:42
All MaterialDesign sprites/icons available in PlantUML
tzmartin /
Last active September 15, 2024 15:58
m3u8 stream to mp4 using ffmpeg

1. Copy m3u8 link

Alt text

2. Run command

echo "Enter m3u8 link:";read link;echo "Enter output filename:";read filename;ffmpeg -i "$link" -bsf:a aac_adtstoasc -vcodec copy -c copy -crf 50 $filename.mp4
davidfowl /
Last active September 17, 2024 18:14
.NET project structure
RomiC / wti
Last active May 23, 2021 05:11
Sample of using JIRA Rest API via bash, curl and sed.
usage() {
echo "
Usage: wti [-h?] [-l LOGIN] ISSUE...
wti = \"(W)hat (T)he (I)ssue?\". Script tries to get description of the specified
ISSUE(es) from jira. For each ISSUE in list script will ouput the line in
the following format: ISSUE_ID — ISSUE_DESC
jonavon / CIDR.php
Created March 13, 2012 13:50
CIDR class for IPv4
* CIDR.php
* Utility Functions for IPv4 ip addresses.
* Supports PHP 5.3+ (32 & 64 bit)
* @author Jonavon Wilcox <>
* @revision Carlos Guimarães <>
* @version Wed Mar 12 13:00:00 EDT 2014
acreeger / ExternalInPlacePlugin_BuildConfig.groovy
Created April 8, 2011 18:33
Code that you can add to your app's BuildConfig to enable you to specify in-place plugins outside of source controlled files
def buildConfigFile = new File("${userHome}/.grails/${appName}-buildConfig.groovy")
if (buildConfigFile.exists()) {
println "Processing external build config at $buildConfigFile"
def slurpedBuildConfig = new ConfigSlurper().parse(buildConfigFile.toURL())
slurpedBuildConfig.grails.plugin.location.each { k, v ->
if (!new File(v).exists()) {
println "WARNING: Cannot load in-place plugin from ${v} as that directory does not exist."
} else {
println "Loading in-place plugin $k from $v"
grails.plugin.location."$k" = v