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Forked from LeoColomb/ConsoleAsHtml.ps1
Created December 3, 2018 17:37
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# Get-ConsoleAsHtml.ps1
# The script captures console screen buffer up to the current cursor position and returns it in HTML format.
# Returns: UTF8-encoded string.
# Example:
# $htmlFileName = "$env:temp\ConsoleBuffer.html"
# .\Get-ConsoleAsHtml | out-file $htmlFileName -encoding UTF8
# $null = [System.Diagnostics.Process]::Start("$htmlFileName")
# Check the host name and exit if the host is not the Windows PowerShell console host.
if ($host.Name -ne 'ConsoleHost')
write-host -ForegroundColor Red "This script runs only in the console host. You cannot run this script in $($host.Name)."
exit -1
# The Windows PowerShell console host redefines DarkYellow and DarkMagenta colors and uses them as defaults.
# The redefined colors do not correspond to the color names used in HTML, so they need to be mapped to digital color codes.
function Normalize-HtmlColor ($color)
if ($color -eq "DarkYellow") { $color = "#eeedf0" }
if ($color -eq "DarkMagenta") { $color = "#012456" }
return $color
# Create an HTML span from text using the named console colors.
function Make-HtmlSpan ($text, $forecolor = "DarkYellow", $backcolor = "DarkMagenta")
$forecolor = Normalize-HtmlColor $forecolor
$backcolor = Normalize-HtmlColor $backcolor
# You can also add font-weight:bold tag here if you want a bold font in output.
return "<span style='font-family:Courier New;color:$forecolor;background:$backcolor'>$text</span>"
# Generate an HTML span and append it to HTML string builder
function Append-HtmlSpan
$spanText = $spanBuilder.ToString()
$spanHtml = Make-HtmlSpan $spanText $currentForegroundColor $currentBackgroundColor
$null = $htmlBuilder.Append($spanHtml)
# Append line break to HTML builder
function Append-HtmlBreak
$null = $htmlBuilder.Append("<br>")
# Initialize the HTML string builder.
$htmlBuilder = new-object system.text.stringbuilder
$null = $htmlBuilder.Append("<pre style='MARGIN: 0in 10pt 0in;line-height:normal';font-size:10pt>")
# Grab the console screen buffer contents using the Host console API.
$bufferWidth = $host.ui.rawui.BufferSize.Width
$bufferHeight = $host.ui.rawui.CursorPosition.Y
$rec = new-object System.Management.Automation.Host.Rectangle 0,0,($bufferWidth - 1),$bufferHeight
$buffer = $host.ui.rawui.GetBufferContents($rec)
# Iterate through the lines in the console buffer.
for($i = 0; $i -lt $bufferHeight; $i++)
$spanBuilder = new-object system.text.stringbuilder
# Track the colors to identify spans of text with the same formatting.
$currentForegroundColor = $buffer[$i, 0].Foregroundcolor
$currentBackgroundColor = $buffer[$i, 0].Backgroundcolor
for($j = 0; $j -lt $bufferWidth; $j++)
$cell = $buffer[$i,$j]
# If the colors change, generate an HTML span and append it to the HTML string builder.
if (($cell.ForegroundColor -ne $currentForegroundColor) -or ($cell.BackgroundColor -ne $currentBackgroundColor))
# Reset the span builder and colors.
$spanBuilder = new-object system.text.stringbuilder
$currentForegroundColor = $cell.Foregroundcolor
$currentBackgroundColor = $cell.Backgroundcolor
# Substitute characters which have special meaning in HTML.
switch ($cell.Character)
'>' { $htmlChar = '&gt;' }
'<' { $htmlChar = '&lt;' }
'&' { $htmlChar = '&amp;' }
$htmlChar = $cell.Character
$null = $spanBuilder.Append($htmlChar)
# Append HTML ending tag.
$null = $htmlBuilder.Append("</pre>")
return $htmlBuilder.ToString()
# Get-ConsoleAsRtf.ps1
# The script captures console screen buffer up to the current cursor position and returns it in RTF format.
# Returns: ASCII-encoded string.
# Example:
# $rtfFileName = "$env:temp\ConsoleBuffer.rtf"
# .\Get-ConsoleAsRtf | out-file $rtfFileName -encoding ascii
# $null = [System.Diagnostics.Process]::Start("$rtfFileName")
# Check the host name and exit if the host is not the Windows PowerShell console host.
if ($host.Name -ne 'ConsoleHost')
write-host -ForegroundColor Red "This script runs only in the console host. You cannot run this script in $($host.Name)."
exit -1
# Maps console color name to RTF color index.
# The index of \cf is referencing the color definition in RTF color table.
function Get-RtfColorIndex ([string]$color)
switch ($color)
'Black' { $index = 17 }
'DarkBlue' { $index = 2 }
'DarkGreen' { $index = 3 }
'DarkCyan' { $index = 4 }
'DarkRed' { $index = 5 }
'DarkMagenta' { $index = 6 }
'DarkYellow' { $index = 7 }
'Gray' { $index = 8 }
'DarkGray' { $index = 9 }
'Blue' { $index = 10 }
'Green' { $index = 11 }
'Cyan' { $index = 12 }
'Red' { $index = 13 }
'Magenta' { $index = 14 }
'Yellow' { $index = 15 }
'White' { $index = 16 }
$index = 0
return $index
# Create RTF block from text using named console colors.
function Append-RtfBlock ($text)
$foreColorIndex = Get-RtfColorIndex $currentForegroundColor
$null = $rtfBuilder.Append("{\cf$foreColorIndex")
# You can also add \ab* tag here if you want a bold font in the output.
$backColorIndex = Get-RtfColorIndex $currentBackgroundColor
$null = $rtfBuilder.Append("\chshdng0\chcbpat$backColorIndex")
$text = $blockBuilder.ToString()
$null = $rtfBuilder.Append(" $text}")
# Append line break to RTF builder
function Append-Break
$backColorIndex = Get-RtfColorIndex $currentBackgroundColor
$null = $rtfBuilder.Append("\shading0\cbpat$backColorIndex\par`r`n")
# Initialize the RTF string builder.
$rtfBuilder = new-object system.text.stringbuilder
# Set the desired font
$fontName = 'Lucida Console'
# Append RTF header
$null = $rtfBuilder.Append("{\rtf1\fbidis\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 $fontName;}}")
$null = $rtfBuilder.Append("`r`n")
# Append RTF color table which will contain all Powershell console colors.
$null = $rtfBuilder.Append('{\colortbl;red0\green0\blue128;\red0\green128\blue0;\red0\green128\blue128;\red128\green0\blue0;\red1\green36\blue86;\red238\green237\blue240;\red192\green192\blue192;\red128\green128\blue128;\red0\green0\blue255;\red0\green255\blue0;\red0\green255\blue255;\red255\green0\blue0;\red255\green0\blue255;\red255\green255\blue0;\red255\green255\blue255;\red0\green0\blue0;}')
$null = $rtfBuilder.Append("`r`n")
# Append RTF document settings.
$null = $rtfBuilder.Append('\viewkind4\uc1\pard\ltrpar\f0\fs23 ')
# Grab the console screen buffer contents using the Host console API.
$bufferWidth = $host.ui.rawui.BufferSize.Width
$bufferHeight = $host.ui.rawui.CursorPosition.Y
$rec = new-object System.Management.Automation.Host.Rectangle 0,0,($bufferWidth - 1),$bufferHeight
$buffer = $host.ui.rawui.GetBufferContents($rec)
# Iterate through the lines in the console buffer.
for($i = 0; $i -lt $bufferHeight; $i++)
$blockBuilder = new-object system.text.stringbuilder
# Track the colors to identify spans of text with the same formatting.
$currentForegroundColor = $buffer[$i, 0].Foregroundcolor
$currentBackgroundColor = $buffer[$i, 0].Backgroundcolor
for($j = 0; $j -lt $bufferWidth; $j++)
$cell = $buffer[$i,$j]
# If the colors change, generate an RTF span and append it to the RTF string builder.
if (($cell.ForegroundColor -ne $currentForegroundColor) -or ($cell.BackgroundColor -ne $currentBackgroundColor))
# Reset the block builder and colors.
$blockBuilder = new-object system.text.stringbuilder
$currentForegroundColor = $cell.Foregroundcolor
$currentBackgroundColor = $cell.Backgroundcolor
# Substitute characters which have special meaning in RTF.
switch ($cell.Character)
"`t" { $rtfChar = '\tab' }
'\' { $rtfChar = '\\' }
'{' { $rtfChar = '\{' }
'}' { $rtfChar = '\}' }
$rtfChar = $cell.Character
$null = $blockBuilder.Append($rtfChar)
# Append RTF ending brace.
$null = $rtfBuilder.Append('}')
return $rtfBuilder.ToString()
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