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Last active December 22, 2019 00:11
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(function(bitsy) {
"use strict";
bitsy = bitsy && bitsy.hasOwnProperty("default") ? bitsy["default"] : bitsy;
function inject(searchRegex, replaceString) {
// find the relevant script tag
var scriptTags = document.getElementsByTagName("script");
var scriptTag;
var code;
for (var i = 0; i < scriptTags.length; ++i) {
scriptTag = scriptTags[i];
var matchesSearch = !== -1;
var isCurrentScript = scriptTag === document.currentScript;
if (matchesSearch && !isCurrentScript) {
code = scriptTag.textContent;
// error-handling
if (!code) {
throw "Couldn't find \"" + searchRegex + '" in script tags';
// modify the content
code = code.replace(searchRegex, replaceString);
// replace the old script tag with a new one using our modified code
var newScriptTag = document.createElement("script");
newScriptTag.textContent = code;
scriptTag.insertAdjacentElement("afterend", newScriptTag);
function unique(array) {
return array.filter(function(item, idx) {
return array.indexOf(item) === idx;
function before(targetFuncName, beforeFn) {
var kitsy = kitsyInit();
kitsy.queuedBeforeScripts[targetFuncName] = kitsy.queuedBeforeScripts[targetFuncName] || [];
// Ex: after('load_game', function run() { alert('Loaded!'); });
function after(targetFuncName, afterFn) {
var kitsy = kitsyInit();
kitsy.queuedAfterScripts[targetFuncName] = kitsy.queuedAfterScripts[targetFuncName] || [];
function kitsyInit() {
// return already-initialized kitsy
if (bitsy.kitsy) {
return bitsy.kitsy;
// Initialize kitsy
bitsy.kitsy = {
queuedInjectScripts: [],
queuedBeforeScripts: {},
queuedAfterScripts: {}
var oldStartFunc = bitsy.startExportedGame;
bitsy.startExportedGame = function doAllInjections() {
// Only do this once.
bitsy.startExportedGame = oldStartFunc;
// Rewrite scripts and hook everything up.
// Start the game
bitsy.startExportedGame.apply(this, arguments);
return bitsy.kitsy;
function doInjects() {
bitsy.kitsy.queuedInjectScripts.forEach(function(injectScript) {
inject(injectScript.searchRegex, injectScript.replaceString);
function applyAllHooks() {
var allHooks = unique(Object.keys(bitsy.kitsy.queuedBeforeScripts).concat(Object.keys(bitsy.kitsy.queuedAfterScripts)));
function applyHook(functionName) {
var functionNameSegments = functionName.split(".");
var obj = bitsy;
while (functionNameSegments.length > 1) {
obj = obj[functionNameSegments.shift()];
var lastSegment = functionNameSegments[0];
var superFn = obj[lastSegment];
var superFnLength = superFn ? superFn.length : 0;
var functions = [];
// start with befores
functions = functions.concat(bitsy.kitsy.queuedBeforeScripts[functionName] || []);
// then original
if (superFn) {
// then afters
functions = functions.concat(bitsy.kitsy.queuedAfterScripts[functionName] || []);
// overwrite original with one which will call each in order
obj[lastSegment] = function() {
var returnVal;
var args = [];
var i = 0;
function runBefore() {
// All outta functions? Finish
if (i === functions.length) {
return returnVal;
// Update args if provided.
if (arguments.length > 0) {
args = [];
if (functions[i].length > superFnLength) {
// Assume funcs that accept more args than the original are
// async and accept a callback as an additional argument.
return functions[i++].apply(this, args.concat(runBefore.bind(this)));
} else {
// run synchronously
returnVal = functions[i++].apply(this, args);
if (returnVal && returnVal.length) {
args = returnVal;
return runBefore.apply(this, args);
return runBefore.apply(this, arguments);
function _reinitEngine() {
// recreate the script and dialog objects so that they'll be
// referencing the code with injections instead of the original
bitsy.scriptModule = new bitsy.Script();
bitsy.scriptInterpreter = bitsy.scriptModule.CreateInterpreter();
bitsy.dialogModule = new bitsy.Dialog();
bitsy.dialogRenderer = bitsy.dialogModule.CreateRenderer();
bitsy.dialogBuffer = bitsy.dialogModule.CreateBuffer();
} = {
after: after
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