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joepie91 /
Last active July 2, 2024 11:59
Why you probably shouldn't use a wildcard certificate

Recently, Let's Encrypt launched free wildcard certificates. While this is good news in and of itself, as it removes one of the last remaining reasons for expensive commercial certificates, I've unfortunately seen a lot of people dangerously misunderstand what wildcard certificates are for.

Therefore, in this brief post I'll explain why you probably shouldn't use a wildcard certificate, as it will put your security at risk.

A brief explainer

It's generally pretty poorly understood (and documented!) how TLS ("SSL") works, so let's go through a brief explanation of the parts that are important here.

The general (simplified) idea behind how real-world TLS deployments work, is that you:

LeCoupa / redis_cheatsheet.bash
Last active August 12, 2024 13:00
Redis Cheatsheet - Basic Commands You Must Know --> UPDATED VERSION -->
# Redis Cheatsheet
# All the commands you need to know
redis-server /path/redis.conf # start redis with the related configuration file
redis-cli # opens a redis prompt
# Strings.
LeCoupa /
Last active September 17, 2024 17:14
Bash CheatSheet for UNIX Systems --> UPDATED VERSION -->
# Name: Bash CheatSheet for Mac OSX
# A little overlook of the Bash basics
# Usage:
# Author: J. Le Coupanec
# Date: 2014/11/04
staltz /
Last active September 20, 2024 10:10
The introduction to Reactive Programming you've been missing
NerOcrO /
Last active October 10, 2020 11:04
git gitconfig

Ne plus taper sa passphrase à chaque commande

eval $(ssh-agent -s)
ssh-add ~/.ssh/*_rsa

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git log -p [FICHIER]

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