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Last active July 12, 2022 16:42
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CodeSignal: Descending/Ascending Towers
cases = [
([], 0),
([10], 0),
([1, 2, 3, 4], 0),
([1, 1, 1, 1], 6),
([1, 3, 2, 1], 3),
([1, 7, 1, 4], 13),
def get_max_indices(towers: list[int]) -> list[int]:
Returns the indexes of the max value in `towers`.
Since we're already iterating over all of the elements, we could do a
monotony-check here and short-circuit IIF `towers` is already monotonous.
Skipping that.
max_n = -1
indices = []
for i, n in enumerate(towers):
if n > max_n:
indices = [i]
max_n = n
elif n == max_n:
return indices
def monotonize_left_descending(towers: list[int]) -> int:
# be kind
clone = towers[:]
if not towers:
return 0
max_indices = get_max_indices(towers)
index_of_last_max = max_indices[-1]
bump = 0
# tie-break max values: if there is more than one index for the max value,
# bump preceding max values by their index-distance from the final max value
# (and accumulate the bumps)
for index_of_a_max in max_indices[:-1]:
this_bump = index_of_last_max - index_of_a_max
bump += this_bump
clone[index_of_a_max] += this_bump
index_of_first_max = max_indices[0]
current_max = clone[index_of_first_max]
# for every number, calculate a target value from their index-distance to
# the first occurrence of the max value; bump than number by the target
# value (and accumulate the bumps)
for i, n in enumerate(clone):
offset = index_of_first_max - i
target = current_max + offset
this_bump = target - n
bump += this_bump
clone[i] += this_bump
return bump
def solution(towers: list[int]) -> int:
Given a list of random integers `towers`, make the `towers` either ascending
or descending monotonically by 1, by adding 0 or more to each integer. Find
the total amount added to all integers (the "bump"). There are multiple
solutions. Return the best one, where best == smallest bump.
This is O(kn).
bump = monotonize_left_descending(towers)
if bump == 0:
return bump
towers_reversed = list(reversed(towers))
if towers == towers_reversed:
return bump
bump_reversed = monotonize_left_descending(towers_reversed)
return min(bump, bump_reversed)
def test():
for i, case in enumerate(cases):
input, expected_output = case
output = solution(input)
msg = f"case #{i} failed: {output} != {expected_output}"
assert output == expected_output, msg
print("All is well.")
if __name__ == "__main__":
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