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Last active December 10, 2023 08:05
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  • Save jolynch/aa53ca32f2eb7a72612ff0be6173e3d8 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Upload a directory to S3 as fast as humanly possible
$ ls -laR
total 6291456
drwxr-sr-x 3 user group 136 Jul 25 01:47 .
drwxrwsr-x 5 user group 67 Jul 25 01:48 ..
drwxr-sr-x 2 root group 46 Jul 25 01:40 foo
-rw-r--r-- 1 user group 1073741824 Jul 25 00:50 randwrite.2.0
-rw-r--r-- 1 user group 1073741824 Jul 25 00:50 randwrite.3.0
-rw-r--r-- 1 user group 1073741824 Jul 25 00:50 randwrite.4.0
-rw-r--r-- 1 user group 1073741824 Jul 25 00:50 randwrite.5.0
-rw-r--r-- 1 user group 1073741824 Jul 25 00:50 randwrite.6.0
-rw-r--r-- 1 user group 1073741824 Jul 25 00:50 randwrite.7.0
total 2097152
drwxr-sr-x 2 root group 46 Jul 25 01:40 .
drwxr-sr-x 3 user group 136 Jul 25 01:47 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 user group 1073741824 Jul 25 00:50 randwrite.0.0
-rw-r--r-- 1 user group 1073741824 Jul 25 00:50 randwrite.1.0
$ ../ s3://some-bucket-name/test_josephl_upload
Using [/usr/bin/zstd -1 -c] to compress files and [/usr/local/bin/aws s3 cp -] to upload them
randwrite.7.0 -> s3://some-bucket-name/test_josephl_upload/randwrite.7.0
randwrite.6.0 -> s3://some-bucket-name/test_josephl_upload/randwrite.6.0
randwrite.5.0 -> s3://some-bucket-name/test_josephl_upload/randwrite.5.0
randwrite.4.0 -> s3://some-bucket-name/test_josephl_upload/randwrite.4.0
randwrite.3.0 -> s3://some-bucket-name/test_josephl_upload/randwrite.3.0
randwrite.2.0 -> s3://some-bucket-name/test_josephl_upload/randwrite.2.0
foo/randwrite.0.0 -> s3://some-bucket-name/test_josephl_upload/foo/randwrite.0.0
foo/randwrite.1.0 -> s3://some-bucket-name/test_josephl_upload/foo/randwrite.1.0
Waiting 5s for you to cancel if you don't want this
foo/randwrite.1.0 : 16.09% (1073741824 => 172779474 bytes, /*stdout*\)
foo/randwrite.0.0 : 16.08% (1073741824 => 172607631 bytes, /*stdout*\)
randwrite.2.0 : 16.06% (1073741824 => 172391826 bytes, /*stdout*\)
randwrite.5.0 : 16.05% (1073741824 => 172364194 bytes, /*stdout*\)
randwrite.6.0 : 15.96% (1073741824 => 171324403 bytes, /*stdout*\)
randwrite.7.0 : 16.05% (1073741824 => 172388299 bytes, /*stdout*\)
randwrite.3.0 : 16.13% (1073741824 => 173244139 bytes, /*stdout*\)
randwrite.4.0 : 16.08% (1073741824 => 172652481 bytes, /*stdout*\)
real 0m15.059s
user 1m43.584s
sys 0m8.990s
$ COMPRESS="$(which lz4)" ../ s3://some-bucket-name/test_josephl_upload
Using [/usr/bin/lz4 -c] to compress files and [/usr/local/bin/aws s3 cp -] to upload them
randwrite.7.0 -> s3://some-bucket-name/test_josephl_upload/randwrite.7.0
randwrite.6.0 -> s3://some-bucket-name/test_josephl_upload/randwrite.6.0
randwrite.5.0 -> s3://some-bucket-name/test_josephl_upload/randwrite.5.0
randwrite.4.0 -> s3://some-bucket-name/test_josephl_upload/randwrite.4.0
randwrite.3.0 -> s3://some-bucket-name/test_josephl_upload/randwrite.3.0
randwrite.2.0 -> s3://some-bucket-name/test_josephl_upload/randwrite.2.0
foo/randwrite.0.0 -> s3://some-bucket-name/test_josephl_upload/foo/randwrite.0.0
foo/randwrite.1.0 -> s3://some-bucket-name/test_josephl_upload/foo/randwrite.1.0
Waiting 5s for you to cancel if you don't want this
real 0m36.217s
user 1m8.704s
sys 0m22.052s
if [ -z "${COMPRESS}" ]; then
COMPRESS=$(which zstd)
if [ -z "${COMPRESS}" ]; then
COMPRESS=$(which lz4)
# zstd is reasonably slow, so make it as fast as we can
UPLOAD="$(which aws) s3 cp -"
if [ -z "${COMPRESS}" ]; then
echo "zstd or lz4 is required for maximum upload speeds, please install liblz4-tool"
exit 1
# lz4 default level is pretty reasonable
echo "Using [${COMPRESS}] to compress files and [${UPLOAD}] to upload them"
if [ -z "${BUCKET_PATH}" ]; then
echo "usage: s3://<bucket>/<path>..."
exit 1
echo "Uploading"
find . -type f -printf '%P\n' | xargs -IX bash -c "echo 'X -> ${BUCKET_PATH}/X'"
echo "Waiting 5s for you to cancel if you don't want this"
sleep 5
time find . -type f -printf '%P\n' | xargs -P $(getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN) -IX bash -c "${COMPRESS} X | ${UPLOAD} ${BUCKET_PATH}/X"

Upload files to S3 as fast as Possible

Often I hear people claiming S3 is slow, when in fact S3 is very fast but the user space program you are using is slow!

This gist provides a tool: which will upload the directory you run the tool in to a provided S3 bucket, as fast as humanly possible. This tool will saturate your NICs, will saturate your CPUS, and will upload data to S3 faster than basically anything else. s3://some-path/in-s3

Furthermore if you want to use a customer compressor you can run it with the COMPRESS parameter.

COMPRESS="$(which lz4) s3://some-path/in-s3

Under the hood

Under the hood this tool is using xargs to get maximum CPU parallelism, find to locate all files in the current working directory and either zstd or lz4 to do the compression. Generally speaking the default zstd compressor is the right choice, but when you have less compressible data and want to use less CPU. Currently the script doesn't support turning off compression but I think it's pretty straightforward to refactor as you wish.

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