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Created August 18, 2020 08:52
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import re
from typing import Dict, Iterable
from reynir import Greynir
from reynir.reynir import _Sentence
greynir = Greynir()
r"([0-9A-ZÉÝÚÍÓÁÖÞÐÆ](?:(?:(?:[\w/-]+)|og|&|-) ){{1,3}}(?:{})\.)".format(
"|".join(suff.strip(".") for suff in COMPANY_SUFFIXES)
def clean_company_name(name):
# Ensure company suffixes are followed by the period character
if name.endswith(" {}".format(suff.rstrip("."))):
return "{}.".format(name)
return name
def parse_icelandic_companies(text) -> Dict:
""" This is only a regex so it does not tokenize. When company names are in
different inflections, these are of course also not normalized to nefnifall. It
does not pick company names with more than 3 word segments (see regex).
found = {}
for match in re.finditer(ICELANDIC_COMPANY_RE, text):
if not in found:
found[] = [match.span()]
return found
def titleize(left, right):
# Apply title casing of each word on the left to the right
parts = []
for left_word, right_word in zip(left.split(), right.split()):
is_upper = left_word == left_word.upper()
is_title = left_word[0] == left_word[0].upper()
if is_upper:
right_word = right_word.upper()
elif is_title:
right_word = right_word.title()
return " ".join(parts)
def extract_company_names(text, sentences: Iterable[_Sentence] = None) -> Dict:
""" Get company names with preserved plurality and in nominative form. The
strategy is multipart:
1. First match companies named after their owner. This is done because they are
simple to deal with. Use the `PERSON` kind token in Greynir followed by one of
the company suffixes.
2. Use a regex substitution to match lowercase company names so we can deal with
names like "Plúsarkitektar" as they won’t be inflected back to nominative
if they are thought to be sérnafn. Use a look behind algorithm to match the
tokenized text to the regex matches.
3. Use a title case detection to reapply the correct casing.
This is definitely not a foolproof strategy. Caveats:
1. The regex does not match company names with more than three tokens (e.g.
"Vektor, hönnun og ráðgjöf ehf.").
2. I’m still not sure if `node.indefinite` always gets us to the word form used in
RSK fyrirtækjaskrá.
3. If Greynir fails to parse a sentence (which is common for planning meeting
notes) there is no fallback and we give up trying to match the company name.
matched_names = {}
name_positions = parse_icelandic_companies(text)
if not parse_icelandic_companies(text):
return matched_names
if sentences is None:
sentences = greynir.parse(text)["sentences"]
for sentence in sentences:
if not sentence.terminal_nodes:
original_names = set(name_positions.keys()) - set(matched_names.keys())
if not original_names:
# For companies named after persons we can just use node.canonical
for i, node in enumerate(sentence.terminal_nodes):
if i == len(sentence.terminal_nodes) - 1:
next_node = sentence.terminal_nodes[i + 1]
if node.kind == "PERSON" and next_node.text in COMPANY_SUFFIXES:
original_name = node.text + " {}".format(next_node.text)
if original_name not in original_names:
# Skip if we caught "Sigurjóns ehf." in "Hjólbarðaverkstæði
# Sigurjóns ehf."
name = node.canonical + " {}".format(next_node.text)
matched_names[name] = name_positions[original_name]
if not original_names:
# Must reparse in lowercase to get inflection of names like Plúsarkitektar
def _(matchobj):
nodes = greynir.parse_single(
re.sub(ICELANDIC_COMPANY_RE, _, sentence.text)
if not nodes:
for original_name in original_names:
for i, node in enumerate(nodes):
if node.text not in COMPANY_SUFFIXES:
name_part_nodes = [node]
steps = 1
while True:
previous_index = i - steps
if previous_index <= 0:
name_part_nodes.insert(0, nodes[previous_index])
untokenized = " ".join(node.text for node in name_part_nodes)
_original_name = original_name.lower()
# # Greynir seems to convert to em-dash
_untokenized = untokenized.replace("—", "-").replace("–", "-")
if not _original_name.endswith(_untokenized):
if _untokenized == _original_name:
nominative_name = " ".join(
node.indefinite for node in name_part_nodes
nominative_name = titleize(original_name, nominative_name)
matched_names[nominative_name] = name_positions[original_name]
steps += 1
if steps > 4: # Limit leftward matching to 4 extra words
return matched_names
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