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Last active April 23, 2020 11:34
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Look at the split of non-working-day windows for each year
Produces something like this:
2020 - 117 frídagar (119 í frígluggum sem hefjast á árinu)
- 1x fimm daga frí - 9.4 (Holy Thursday)
- 2x fjögurra daga frí - 24.12 (Christmas Eve), 31.12 (New Year's Eve)
- 3x þriggja daga frí - 1.5 (Labour Day), 3.5 (Whit Monday), 1.8 (Commerce Day)
- 47x tveggja daga frí
- 3x eins daga frí - 23.4 (First day of summer), 21.5 (Ascension Thursday), 17.6 (Icelandic National Day)
2021 - 115 frídagar (114 í frígluggum sem hefjast á árinu)
- 1x fimm daga frí - 1.4 (Holy Thursday)
- 4x þriggja daga frí - 22.5 (Whit Monday), 31.7 (Commerce Day), 24.12 (Christmas Eve), 31.12 (New Year's Eve)
- 47x tveggja daga frí
- 3x eins daga frí - 22.4 (First day of summer), 13.5 (Ascension Thursday), 17.6 (Icelandic National Day)
2022 - 114 frídagar (113 í frígluggum sem hefjast á árinu)
- 1x fimm daga frí - 14.4 (Holy Thursday)
- 4x þriggja daga frí - 4.6 (Whit Monday), 17.6 (Icelandic National Day), 3.7 (Commerce Day), 24.12 (Christmas Eve)
- 47x tveggja daga frí
- 2x eins daga frí - 21.4 (First day of summer), 26.5 (Ascension Thursday)
2023 - 115 frídagar (115 í frígluggum sem hefjast á árinu)
- 1x fimm daga frí - 6.4 (Holy Thursday)
- 1x fjögurra daga frí - 23.12 (Christmas Eve)
- 4x þriggja daga frí - 29.4 (Labour Day), 27.5 (Whit Monday), 5.8 (Commerce Day), 3.12 (New Year's Eve)
- 46x tveggja daga frí
- 2x eins daga frí - 2.4 (First day of summer), 18.5 (Ascension Thursday)
import datetime as dt
from collections import defaultdict
from workalendar.europe import Iceland
cal = Iceland()
this_year =
wordize = {
1: "eins",
2: "tveggja",
3: "þriggja",
4: "fjögurra",
5: "fimm",
6: "sex",
for year in range(this_year, this_year + 21):
holidays = dict(cal.holidays(year))
day =, 1, 1)
total = 0
while day.year == year:
if not cal.is_working_day(day):
total += 1
day += dt.timedelta(days=1)
windows = defaultdict(list)
day =, 1, 1)
# Always start with the first working day of the year
while not cal.is_working_day(day):
day += dt.timedelta(days=1)
while day.year == year:
# we want to find each non-working day window
if not cal.is_working_day(day):
length = 0
start = day
holiday = None
while not cal.is_working_day(day):
length += 1
if holiday is None:
holiday = holidays.get(day)
day = day + dt.timedelta(days=1)
windows[length].append((start, day, holiday))
day = day + dt.timedelta(days=1)
window_total = sum(i * len(j) for i, j in windows.items())
shifts = window_total - total
header = (
f"{year} - {total} frídagar ({window_total} í frígluggum sem hefjast á árinu)"
for length, instances in sorted(
windows.items(), key=lambda pair: pair[0], reverse=True
occurances = len(instances)
message = f"- {occurances}x {wordize[length]} daga frí"
# add a date preview for non weekend windows
preview = ", ".join(
i[0].strftime("%d.%m").replace("0", ""),
" ({})".format(i[2]) if i[2] else "",
for i in instances[:4]
if i[0].weekday() < 5 or length != 2
if len(instances) > 4 and preview:
preview += "..."
if preview:
message = f"{message.ljust(24)} - {preview}"
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