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Created July 10, 2024 06:18
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accurate serialization of false values with nippy on top of
(ns demo
(:require [taoensso.nippy :as nippy])
(:import [ ObjectOutputStream ObjectInputStream]))
(defn serialize
"Serializes value, returns a byte array"
(let [buff ( 1024)]
(with-open [dos ( buff)]
(.writeObject dos v))
(.toByteArray buff)))
(defn deserialize
"Accepts a byte array, returns deserialized value"
(with-open [dis (
( bytes))]
(.readObject dis)))
;;our strategy will be to reify a
(defn pack [this]
{:contents (nippy/freeze this)})
(defn unpack [this]
(nippy/thaw (this :contents)))
(defn round-trip-pack [in]
(->> in pack serialize deserialize unpack))
(defn round-trip-jis [in]
(->> in serialize deserialize))
(def res (pack [true false]))
(def bins (serialize res))
(def returned (deserialize bins))
(def final (unpack returned))
(->> final (filter identity))
(->> (round-trip-jis [false false]) (filter identity))
;;(false false)
(->> (round-trip-pack [false false]) (filter identity))
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