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Forked from yogthos/gist:506564
Created August 4, 2010 11:41
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(ns tetris
(javax.swing JFrame)
(java.awt Canvas Graphics Dimension Color Polygon GraphicsEnvironment Transparency Toolkit)
(java.awt.image BufferStrategy BufferedImage PixelGrabber WritableRaster)
(java.awt.event ActionListener KeyListener KeyEvent))
(def *cols* 10)
(def *rows* 20)
(def *width* 300)
(def *height* 600)
(def *offset* (atom [0, 0]))
(def *rotation* (atom nil))
(def *shapes* [[[0,1],[0,2],[0,3],[0,4]] ; I
[[1,0],[0,1],[1,1],[0,2]] ; Z
[[1,2],[1,1],[0,1],[0,0]] ; S
[[0,0],[0,1],[1,0],[1,1]] ; O
[[0,0],[0,1],[0,2],[1,1]] ; T
[[0,0],[0,1],[0,2],[1,2]] ; L
[[1,0],[1,1],[1,2],[0,2]]]) ; mirrored L
(defn get-shape []
(let [num (rand-int (count *shapes*))
shape (get *shapes* num)
offset (inc (rand-int (- *cols* 3)))]
(map (fn [[x y]] [(+ x offset), y]) shape)))
(defn get-board []
(vec (range (* *rows* *cols*))))
(defn pos-to-xy [pos]
(let [x (mod pos *cols*)
y (int (/ (- pos x) *cols*))]
[x, y]))
(defn collides?
([board x y pos]
(let [[posx posy] (pos-to-xy pos)]
(> x (- 1))
(< x *cols*)
(< y *rows*)
(not (and
(= posx x)
(= posy y)
(not (get board (+ pos *cols*))))))))
([board shape pos]
(for [[x y] shape]
(collides? board x y pos))))
([board shape]
(not (reduce
#(and %1 (collides? board shape %2))
(range (count board)))) ))
(defn rotate [board shape]
(if (nil? @*rotation*)
(let [[avg-x avg-y] (->> shape
(fn [[tx ty] [x y]]
[(+ tx x), (+ ty y)]))
(map #(int (/ % 4))))
rotated (map (fn [[x y]]
[(int (+ avg-x (- y avg-y)))
(int (- avg-y (- x avg-x)))])
(if (collides? board rotated)
shape rotated))))
(defn shift [board shape]
(let [shifted (map
(fn [[x y]]
[(+ x (first @*offset*)), y])
(if (collides? board shifted)
shape shifted)))
(defn transform [board shape drop?]
(let [shifted (shift board shape)
rotated (rotate board shifted)]
(if drop?
(map (fn [[x y]]
[x, (if drop? (inc y) y)]) rotated)
(defn clear-lines [board]
(loop [lines board, new-lines []]
(let [line (take *cols* lines)]
(if (not-empty line)
(drop *cols* lines)
(if (some #{true} line)
(into new-lines line)
(vec (map (fn [_] true)
(range (- (count board) (count new-lines)))))
(defn update-board [board shape]
(vec (map #(let [[x y] (pos-to-xy %)]
(if (some
(fn [[px py]] (and(= x px) (= y py)))
false (get board %)))
(range (count board)))))
(defn game-over? [board]
(not (reduce #(and %1 %2)
(butlast (rest (take *cols* board))))))
(def *dirs* {KeyEvent/VK_LEFT [-1, 0]
KeyEvent/VK_RIGHT [1, 0]
KeyEvent/VK_UP :left
KeyEvent/VK_DOWN :right})
(defn handle-input [#^KeyEvent event]
(let [key (.getKeyCode event)]
(or (= key KeyEvent/VK_LEFT) (= key KeyEvent/VK_RIGHT))
(let [disp (*dirs* key)]
(when disp (swap! *offset* #(map + disp %))))
(or (= key KeyEvent/VK_UP) (= key KeyEvent/VK_DOWN))
(reset! *rotation* (*dirs* key)))))
(defn input-listener []
(proxy [ActionListener KeyListener] []
(actionPerformed [e])
(keyPressed [e] (handle-input e))
(keyReleased [e])
(keyTyped [e])))
(defn draw [#^Canvas canvas draw-fn]
(let [buffer (.getBufferStrategy canvas)
g (.getDrawGraphics buffer)]
(draw-fn g)
(finally (.dispose g)))
(if (not (.contentsLost buffer))
(. buffer show))
(.. Toolkit (getDefaultToolkit) (sync))))
(defn draw-square [x y #^Graphics g]
(let [width (/ *width* *cols*)
height (/ *height* *rows*)
xpos (* x width)
ypos (* y width)]
(doto g
(.setColor Color/RED)
(.fillRect xpos, ypos, width, height)
(defn draw-game-over [#^Graphics g]
(doto g
(.setColor Color/BLACK)
(.fillRect 0 0 *width* *height*)
(.setColor Color/green)
(.drawString "GAME OVER" (- (/ *width* 2) 50) (/ *height* 2))))
(defn draw-board [board shape]
(fn [#^Graphics g]
(doto g
(.setColor Color/BLACK)
(.fillRect 0 0 *width* *height*))
(doseq [square (range (count board))]
(when (not (get board square))
(let [[x y] (pos-to-xy square)]
(draw-square x y g))))
(doseq [[x y] shape]
(draw-square x y g))))
(defn -main [& args]
(let [frame (JFrame. "Tetris")
canvas (Canvas.)]
(doto frame
(.setSize *width* (+ (/ *height* *rows*) *height*))
(.setDefaultCloseOperation JFrame/EXIT_ON_CLOSE)
(.setResizable false)
(.add canvas)
(.setVisible true))
(doto canvas
(.createBufferStrategy 2)
(.addKeyListener (input-listener))
(.setVisible true)
;;game loop
(loop [board (get-board)
shape (get-shape)
old-time (System/currentTimeMillis)]
(reset! *offset* [0,0])
(reset! *rotation* nil)
(Thread/sleep 10)
(draw canvas (draw-board board shape))
(let [cur-time (System/currentTimeMillis)
new-time (long (if (> (- cur-time old-time) 150)
drop? (> new-time old-time)]
(game-over? board)
(draw canvas draw-game-over)
(collides? board shape)
(recur (update-board board shape)
(clear-lines board)
(transform board shape drop?)
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