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Forked from maghoff/
Last active August 29, 2015 14:10
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# Python 3!
import random
def show(board):
print('|%s|' % board[0:3])
print('|%s|' % board[3:6])
print('|%s|' % board[6:9])
def streaks(board):
# Diagonals
yield (board[0+0*3], board[1+1*3], board[2+2*3])
yield (board[2+0*3], board[1+1*3], board[0+2*3])
# Rows
for i in range(3):
yield (board[0+i*3], board[1+i*3], board[2+i*3])
# Cols
for i in range(3):
yield (board[i+0*3], board[i+1*3], board[i+2*3])
def find_winner(board):
for streak in streaks(board):
if streak[0] == streak[1] == streak[2]:
if streak[0] != ' ': return streak[0]
return None
def finished(board):
return not not (board.find(' ') == -1 or find_winner(board))
def other_player(player):
return 'x' if player == 'o' else 'o'
def free_pos(board):
for i in range(9):
if board[i] == ' ': yield i
def moves(board, to_play):
for pos in free_pos(board):
yield put(board, to_play, pos)
def put(board, player, pos):
return board[:pos] + player + board[pos+1:]
def memoize(func):
past_results = {}
def new_func(*args):
if args in past_results:
return past_results[args]
result = func(*args)
past_results[args] = result
return result
return new_func
def score(board, player, to_play):
winner = find_winner(board)
if winner: return 1 if winner == player else 0
scores = [
score(new_board, player, other_player(to_play))
for new_board in moves(board, to_play)
if len(scores) == 0: return 0.5 # Tie
# Assume that player `to_play` will choose the best outcome (max) and
# that the other player will choose the worst outcome for `to_play` (min).
# Future improvement: Consider that the other player might make mistakes
# and choose the path that leads to the best chance for winning without
# introducing chances for losing.
acc = max if player == to_play else min
return acc(scores)
def best_move(board, player):
print("CALCULATING", end="", flush=True)
# Recursively consider all possibilities
moves = [
(pos, score(put(board, player, pos), player, other_player(player)))
for pos in free_pos(board)
best_score = max(y for x, y in moves)
good_moves = [x for x, y in moves if y == best_score]
print("\r \r", end="", flush=True)
return random.choice(good_moves)
board = " " + " " + " "
while not finished(board):
move = int(input("X's move [0-8]: "))
if board[move] != ' ': continue
board = put(board, 'x', move)
if finished(board): break;
move = best_move(board, 'o')
print("O's move [0-8]: %i" % move)
board = put(board, 'o', move)
if find_winner(board):
print("%s wins" % find_winner(board))
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