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Last active July 13, 2017 17:49
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My non-blocking scala recommender, searching through database for cheaper merchant, scala, slick
class Recommender(transactionModel: SasquatchTransactionModel)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext) extends StrictLogging {
def findCheaperMerchant(transaction: SasquatchTransactionDTO): DBRead[Seq[SasquatchRecommendation]] = {
val mId: String = transaction.merchantId"Computing cheaper merchant for transaction: ${transaction.extId} merchant: ${mId}")
val top10NearestMerchants = transactionModel.nearestNeighbour(
long = transaction.long,
lat =,
category = transaction.category
val isCheaper: (SasquatchTransaction) => Boolean = _.amount.abs < transaction.amount.abs
val notSelf: (SasquatchTransaction) => Boolean = _.merchantId != mId
top10NearestMerchants.flatMap(nearMerchants => {
def getDistance(merchantId: String) = nearMerchants.filter( == merchantId).map(_.distance).headOption"Found near Merchants: ${nearMerchants.filter( != mId).map(}")
.filter(notSelf).flatMap(recommendedTransaction =>
for {
mmId <- recommendedTransaction.merchantId
dist <- getDistance(mId)
} yield SasquatchRecommendation(mId, mmId, dist)))
case class SasquatchTransactionDTO(extId: String, merchantId: String, category: String, long: Float, lat: Float, amount: BigDecimal)
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