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Created January 31, 2018 05:03
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micro with apollo-graphql-server
const { microGraphiql, microGraphql } = require("apollo-server-micro");
const { makeExecutableSchema } = require("graphql-tools");
const { send } = require("micro");
const { get, post, router } = require("microrouter");
// Some fake data
const books = [
title: "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's stone",
author: 'J.K. Rowling',
title: 'Jurassic Park',
author: 'Michael Crichton',
// The GraphQL schema in string form
const typeDefs = `
type Query { books: [Book] }
type Book { title: String, author: String }
// The resolvers
const resolvers = {
Query: { books: () => books },
// Put together a schema
const schema = makeExecutableSchema({
const graphqlHandler = microGraphql({ schema });
const graphiqlHandler = microGraphiql({ endpointURL: "/graphql" });
const handler = router(
get("/graphql", graphqlHandler),
post("/graphql", graphqlHandler),
get("/graphiql", graphiqlHandler),
(_, res) => send(res, 404, "not found")
module.exports = handler;
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