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Last active May 30, 2021 14:53
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system wau preview
resolver: lts-16.6
- .
- unsafeperformst-0.9.2@sha256:de35debea25dd6a500532a57efe82c625e94dd93b8da323a2b93ddb288c7673b,734
cabal-version: 1.12
-- This file has been generated from package.yaml by hpack version 0.33.1.
-- see:
-- hash: 1fc780c52d297504d7e8bf6a820619adf3268f07676703e6cc8eb53dbcc73b26
name: system-wau
description: Please see the README on GitHub at <>
author: John C. Burnham
copyright: 2019 John Burnham
license: BSD3
license-file: LICENSE
build-type: Simple
source-repository head
type: git
default-extensions: OverloadedStrings MultiWayIf
base >=4.7 && <5
, containers
, megaparsec
, mtl
, text
, unsafeperformst
default-language: Haskell2010
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-}
module Wau where
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Maybe (isJust)
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.STRef
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.IO as TIO
import Data.Void
import Debug.Trace
import Control.Monad.Identity
import Control.Monad.ST
import Control.Monad.ST.UnsafePerform
import Control.Monad.Except
import System.Exit
import Text.Megaparsec hiding (State)
import Text.Megaparsec.Char
import qualified Text.Megaparsec.Char.Lexer as L
type Name = Text
data Loc = Loc { _from :: Int, _upto :: Int } deriving Show
noLoc = Loc 0 0
data Term
= Var Loc Name Int
| Lam Loc Bool Name (Term -> Term)
| App Loc Bool Term Term
| All Loc Bool Name Name Term (Term -> Term -> Term)
| Fix Loc Name (Term -> Term)
| Let Loc Name Term (Term -> Term)
| Ref Loc Name
| Typ Loc
| Ann Loc Bool Term Term
data Expr = Expr { _name :: Name, _type :: Term, _term :: Term }
data Defs = Defs { _defs :: (Map Name Expr)}
emptyDefs = Defs M.empty
type Ctx = [(Text,Term)]
find :: Ctx -> ((Text,Term) -> Bool) -> Maybe ((Text,Term),Int)
find ctx f = go ctx 0
go [] _ = Nothing
go (x:xs) i = if f x then Just (x,i) else go xs (i+1)
compText :: Term -> Int -> Text
compText term dep = let go = compText in case term of
Var _ n x -> if x < 0
then T.concat ["^", T.pack $ show $ dep + x]
else T.concat ["#", T.pack $ show x]
Typ _ -> "*"
Ref _ n -> T.concat ["&", n]
All _ e _ _ h b ->
let all = if e then "∀0" else "∀ω"
bind = go h dep
s = Var noLoc "" (0-dep-1)
x = Var noLoc "" (0-dep-2)
body = go (b s x) (dep + 2)
in T.concat [all,bind,body]
Fix _ _ b ->
let body = go (b (Var noLoc "" (0-dep-1))) (dep+1)
in T.concat ["μ", body]
Lam _ e n b ->
let lam = if e then "λ0" else "λω"
body = go (b (Var noLoc "" (0-dep-1))) (dep+1)
in T.concat [lam, body]
App _ e f a ->
let app = if e then "@0" else ""
in T.concat [app, go f dep, go a dep]
Let _ _ x b ->
let expr = go x dep
body = go (b (Var noLoc "" (0-dep-1))) (dep+1)
in T.concat ["$",expr,body]
Ann _ d x t -> go x dep
hash :: Term -> Text
hash t = compText t 0
printTerm :: Term -> Text
printTerm t = let go = printTerm in case t of
Var _ "" i -> T.concat ["^", T.pack $ show i]
Var _ n i -> n
Typ _ -> "*"
Ref _ n -> T.concat ["#",n]
All _ e s n h b ->
let eras = if e then "0 " else ""
body = go (b (Var noLoc s 0) (Var noLoc n 0))
in T.concat ["", s, "(", eras, n, ":", go h, ") ", body]
Fix _ n b ->
let body = go (b (Var noLoc n 0))
in T.concat ["μ",n,".",body]
Lam _ e n b ->
let eras = if e then "0 " else ""
body = go (b (Var noLoc n 0))
in T.concat ["λ", eras, n, ". ", body]
App _ True f a -> T.concat ["(0 ", go f, " ", go a, ")"]
App _ False f a -> T.concat ["(", go f, " ", go a, ")"]
Let _ n x b -> let body = go (b (Var noLoc n 0)) in
T.concat ["$", n, "=", go x, ";", body]
Ann _ d x t -> T.concat ["(", go x, " :: ", go t, ")"]
printExpr :: Expr -> Text
printExpr (Expr n t x) = T.concat [n,": ",printTerm t,"\n ",printTerm x]
printDefs :: Defs -> Text
printDefs (Defs ds) = go $ snd <$> M.toList ds
go [] = ""
go (x:[]) = printExpr x
go (x:xs) = T.concat [printExpr x, "\n", go xs]
instance Show Term where
show = T.unpack . printTerm
instance Show Expr where
show = T.unpack . printExpr
instance Show Defs where
show = T.unpack . printDefs
-- Parser
type Parser = ParsecT Void Text Identity
name :: Bool -> Parser Text
name empty = (if empty then takeWhileP else takeWhile1P)
(Just "a name (alphanumeric,'_','.')") (flip elem $ nameChar)
nameChar = ['0'..'9'] ++ ['a'..'z'] ++ ['A'..'Z'] ++ "_"
spaceC :: Parser ()
spaceC = space1 (L.skipLineComment "//") (L.skipBlockComment "#" "#")
symbol :: Text -> Parser Text
symbol = L.symbol spaceC
-- The term parser
-- TODO: proper error printing instead of the `\n` hack to
-- make the ShowErrorComponent print nicely
-- (Perhaps by using a typerep proxy plus a new typeclass instance)
term :: Defs -> [Name] -> Parser (Ctx -> Term)
term ds ns = do
from <- getOffset
t <- choice $
[ label "\n - the type of types: \"*\"" $
symbol "*" >> (return $ \ctx -> Typ (Loc from (from+1)))
, label "\n - a forall: \"∀self(0 x: A) B\", \"∀self(x: A) B\"" $ do
string ""
self <- name True <* symbol "("
eras <- isJust <$> (optional $ symbol "0 ")
name <- name True <* spaceC <* symbol ":"
bind <- term ds (self:ns) <* symbol ")"
symbol "->"
body <- term ds (name:self:ns)
upto <- getOffset
let l = Loc from upto
return $ \ctx ->
All l eras self name (bind ctx) (\s x -> body ((name,x):(self,s):ctx))
, label "\n - a lambda: \"λ0 x. b\", \"λx. b\"" $ do
from <- getOffset
string "λ"
eras <- isJust <$> (optional $ symbol "0 ")
name <- name True <* spaceC <* symbol "."
body <- term ds (name:ns)
upto <- getOffset
let l = Loc from upto
return $ \ctx -> Lam l eras name (\x -> body ((name,x):ctx))
, label "\n - an application: \"(0 f a)\", \"(f a)\"" $ do
string "("
eras <- isJust <$> (optional $ symbol "0 ")
func <- term ds ns
argm <- term ds ns
symbol ")"
upto <- getOffset
let l = Loc from upto
return $ \ctx -> App l eras (func ctx) (argm ctx)
, label "\n - a fixpoint: \"μx. (f x)\"" $ do
string "μ"
name <- name False <* spaceC <* symbol "."
body <- term ds (name:ns)
upto <- getOffset
let l = Loc from upto
return $ \ctx -> Fix l name (\x -> body ((name,x):ctx))
, label "\n - a definition: \"$x = y; b\"" $ do
string "$"
name <- name True <* spaceC <* symbol "="
expr <- term ds ns <* symbol ";"
body <- term ds (name:ns)
upto <- getOffset
let l = Loc from upto
return $ \ctx -> Let l name (expr ctx) (\x -> body ((name,x):ctx))
, label "\n - a type annotation: \"{x:A}\"" $ do
symbol "{"
typ_ <- term ds ns
symbol ":"
expr <- term ds ns
upto <- getOffset
symbol "}"
let l = Loc from upto
return $ \ctx -> Ann l False (expr ctx) (typ_ ctx)
, label "\n - a reference, either global or local: \"x\"" $ do
name <- name False
upto <- getOffset
let l = Loc from upto
case find ns (\(n,i) -> n == name) of
Just ((n,t),i) -> return $ \ctx -> t
Nothing -> case deref name defs of
Nothing -> fail $ "Undefined Reference: " ++ T.unpack name
Just h -> return $ \ctx -> Ref l name
return t
expr :: Defs -> Parser Expr
expr defs = do
name <- name False <* spaceC <* symbol ":"
typ_ <- ($ []) <$> term defs []
term <- ($ []) <$> term defs []
return $ Expr name typ_ term
defs :: Parser Defs
defs = Defs . M.fromList . fmap (\d -> (_name d, d)) <$> exprs emptyDefs
exprs :: Defs -> Parser [Expr]
exprs ds = next ds <|> (spaceC >> return [])
next :: Defs -> Parser [Expr]
next ds = do
x <- expr ds
(x:) <$> (exprs $ Defs $ M.insert (_name x) x (_defs ds))
deref :: Name -> Defs -> Maybe Expr
deref n m = (_defs m) M.!? n
parseTerm :: Text -> IO Term
parseTerm txt = case parse (term emptyDefs []) "" txt of
Left e -> putStr (errorBundlePretty e) >> exitFailure
Right t -> return (t $ [])
parseFile :: FilePath -> IO Defs
parseFile file = do
txt <- TIO.readFile file
case parse defs file txt of
Left e -> putStr (errorBundlePretty e) >> exitFailure
Right m -> return m
parseExpr :: FilePath -> Name -> IO Expr
parseExpr fileName termName = do
defs <- parseFile fileName
case deref termName defs of
Just x -> return x
Nothing -> putStr "Undefined Reference" >> exitFailure
normExpr :: FilePath -> Name -> IO Term
normExpr fileName termName = do
defs <- parseFile fileName
case deref termName defs of
Just x -> return $ normalize (_term x) defs True
Nothing -> putStr "Undefined Reference" >> exitFailure
-- Evaluation
unroll :: Term -> Term
unroll t = case t of
Fix loc name body -> body (Fix loc name body)
_ -> t
reduce :: Term -> Defs -> Bool -> Term
reduce term (Defs defs) erase = go term
go term = case term of
Var l n d -> Var l n d
Ref l n -> case defs M.!? n of
Just (Expr _ _ got) -> go got
Nothing -> term
All _ _ _ _ _ _ -> term
Typ _ -> Typ noLoc
Fix l n b -> go $ unroll term
Lam _ e n b ->
if e && erase then go (b (Lam noLoc False "" (\x -> x))) else term
App _ e f a -> if e && erase then go f else case go f of
Lam _ e n b -> go (b a)
x -> term
Let _ n x b -> go (b x)
Ann _ _ x t -> go x
-- Normalize
normalize :: Term -> Defs -> Bool -> Term
normalize term defs erased = runST (top term)
top :: Term -> ST s Term
top term = do
seen <- newSTRef (Set.empty)
go term seen
go :: Term -> (STRef s (Set Text)) -> ST s Term
go term seen = {- trace "go" $ -} do
let norm = reduce term defs erased
let termH = hash term
let normH = hash norm
-- traceM $ concat ["term: ",show term, " hash: ",show termH]
-- traceM $ concat ["norm: ",show norm, " hash: ",show normH]
seen' <- readSTRef seen
-- traceM $ concat ["seen: ",show seen']
if | (termH `Set.member` seen' || normH `Set.member` seen') -> return norm
| otherwise -> do
modifySTRef' seen ((Set.insert termH) . (Set.insert normH))
case norm of
Var l n d -> {- trace "norm Var" $ -} return $ Var l n d
Ref l n -> {- trace "norm Ref" $ -} return $ Ref l n
Typ l -> {- trace "norm Typ" $ -} return $ Typ l
All _ e s n h b -> {- trace "norm All" $ -} do
bind <- go h seen
return $ All noLoc e s n bind (\s x -> unsafePerformST $ go (b s x) seen)
Lam _ e n b -> {-trace "norm Lam" $ traceShow norm $-} do
return $ Lam noLoc e n (\x -> unsafePerformST $ go (b x) seen)
App _ e f a -> {-trace "norm App" $ -} do
func <- go f seen
argm <- go a seen
return $ App noLoc e func argm
Let _ n x b -> {-trace "norm Let" $-} go (b x) seen
Fix l n b -> {-trace "norm Let" $-} go norm seen
Ann _ _ x t -> {-trace "norm Ann" $-} go x seen
-- Typechecking
equal :: Term -> Term -> Defs -> Int -> Bool
equal a b defs dep = runST $ top a b dep
top :: Term -> Term -> Int -> ST s Bool
top a b dep = do
seen <- newSTRef (Set.empty)
go a b dep seen
go :: Term -> Term -> Int -> STRef s (Set (Text,Text)) -> ST s Bool
go a b dep seen = do
let var d = Var noLoc "" (fromIntegral d)
let a1 = reduce a defs False
let b1 = reduce b defs False
let ah = hash a1
let bh = hash b1
-- traceM $ show a
-- traceM $ show b
s' <- readSTRef seen
if | (ah == bh) -> return True
| (ah,bh) `Set.member` s' -> return True
| (bh,ah) `Set.member` s' -> return True
| otherwise -> do
modifySTRef' seen ((Set.insert (ah,bh)) . (Set.insert (bh,ah)))
case (a1,b1) of
(All _ ae as _ ah ab, All _ be bs _ bh bb) -> do
let a1_body = ab (var dep) (var (dep + 1))
let b1_body = bb (var dep) (var (dep + 1))
let eras_eq = ae == be
let self_eq = as == bs
bind_eq <- go ah bh dep seen
body_eq <- go a1_body b1_body (dep+2) seen
return $ eras_eq && self_eq && bind_eq && body_eq
(Lam _ ae _ ab, Lam _ be _ bb) -> do
let a1_body = ab (var dep)
let b1_body = bb (var dep)
let eras_eq = ae == be
body_eq <- go a1_body b1_body (dep+1) seen
return $ eras_eq && body_eq
(App _ ae af aa, App _ be bf ba) -> do
let eras_eq = ae == be
func_eq <- go af bf dep seen
argm_eq <- go aa ba dep seen
return $ eras_eq && func_eq && argm_eq
(Let _ _ ax ab, Let _ _ bx bb) -> do
let a1_body = ab (var dep)
let b1_body = bb (var dep)
expr_eq <- go ax bx dep seen
body_eq <- go a1_body b1_body (dep+1) seen
return $ expr_eq && body_eq
(Ann _ _ ax _, Ann _ _ bx _) -> go ax bx dep seen
_ -> return False
data CheckErr = CheckErr Loc Ctx Text deriving Show
check :: Term -> Term -> Defs -> Ctx -> Except CheckErr Bool
check trm typ defs ctx = do
--traceM $ "check"
--traceM $ show trm
--traceM $ show typ
let trm = unroll trm
let typv = reduce typ defs False
let var n l = Var noLoc "" (fromIntegral l)
case trm of
Lam trm_loc trm_eras trm_name trm_body -> case typv of
All _ typ_eras typ_self typ_name typ_bind typ_body ->
if typ_eras /= trm_eras
then throwError (CheckErr trm_loc ctx "Type mismatch")
else do
let self_var = Ann noLoc True trm typ
let name_var = Ann noLoc True (var trm_name (length ctx + 1)) typ_bind
let body_typ = typ_body self_var name_var
let body_ctx = (trm_name,typ_bind):ctx
check (trm_body name_var) body_typ defs body_ctx
_ -> do
--traceM $ show typv
throwError (CheckErr trm_loc ctx "Lamda has non-function type")
Let trm_loc trm_name trm_expr trm_body -> do
expr_typ <- infer trm_expr defs ctx
let expr_var = Ann noLoc True (var trm_name (length ctx + 1)) expr_typ
let body_ctx = (trm_name,expr_typ):ctx
check trm_expr typ defs body_ctx
_ -> do
infr <- infer trm defs ctx
let eq = equal typ infr defs (length ctx)
if eq
then return True
else throwError (CheckErr noLoc ctx "bad")
infer :: Term -> Defs -> Ctx -> Except CheckErr Term
infer trm defs ctx = do
let var n l = Var noLoc "" (fromIntegral l)
case trm of
Var l n d -> return trm
Ref l n -> case (_defs defs) M.!? n of
Just (Expr _ t _) -> return t
Nothing -> throwError (CheckErr l ctx (T.concat ["Undefined Reference ", n]))
Typ l -> return $ Typ l
App trm_loc trm_eras trm_func trm_argm -> do
func_typ <- (\x -> reduce x defs False) <$> infer trm_func defs ctx
case func_typ of
All ftyp_loc ftyp_eras ftyp_self_ ftyp_name ftyp_bind ftyp_body -> do
let self_var = Ann noLoc True trm_func func_typ
let name_var = Ann noLoc True trm_argm ftyp_bind
check trm_argm ftyp_bind defs ctx
let trm_typ = ftyp_body self_var name_var
if trm_eras /= ftyp_eras
then throwError $ CheckErr trm_loc ctx "Mismatched Erasure"
else return trm_typ
_ -> throwError $ CheckErr trm_loc ctx "Non-function application"
Let trm_loc trm_name trm_expr trm_body -> do
expr_typ <- infer trm_expr defs ctx
let expr_var = Ann noLoc True (var trm_name (length ctx + 1)) expr_typ
let body_ctx = (trm_name,expr_typ):ctx
infer (trm_body expr_var) defs body_ctx
All trm_loc trm_eras trm_self trm_name trm_bind trm_body -> do
let self_var = Ann noLoc True (var trm_self $ length ctx) trm
let name_var = Ann noLoc True (var trm_name $ length ctx + 1) trm_bind
let body_ctx = (trm_name,trm_bind):(trm_self,trm):ctx
check trm_bind (Typ noLoc) defs ctx
check (trm_body self_var name_var) (Typ noLoc) defs body_ctx
return $ Typ noLoc
Ann trm_loc trm_done trm_expr trm_type -> do
if trm_done
then return trm_type
else do
check trm_expr trm_type defs ctx
return trm_type
_ -> throwError $ CheckErr noLoc ctx "Can't infer type"
checkExpr :: Expr -> Defs -> Except CheckErr Bool
checkExpr (Expr n typ trm) mod = do
--traceM $ "checking: " ++ T.unpack n
--traceM $ "type: " ++ show typ
--traceM $ "term: " ++ show trm
check trm typ mod []
checkDefs :: Defs -> [Except CheckErr Bool]
checkDefs mod = fmap (\(n,x) -> checkExpr x mod) (M.toList $ _defs mod)
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