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Last active July 5, 2022 09:34
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Terraform flatten to manipulate structured configuration

Flatten a list of lists of objects

for_each in Terraform does not support nested for_each's, but nested configurations can be flattened using nested for loops in a locals section.

This example is needed with a resource that binds users to groups, with a one to one mapping between the group and the member.

resource "databricks_group_member" "ab" {
  group_id  =
  member_id =

The solution

Adapted from Terraform's flatten example.

variable "groups" {
  type = map(object({
    members = list(string)
  default = { 
    tf-group-a = {
      members = [

    tf-group-b = {
      members = [

locals {
  # flatten ensures that this local value is a flat list of objects, rather
  # than a list of lists of objects.

  tf_groups = flatten([
    for group_name, group in var.groups : [
      for member in group.members : {
        group  = group_name
        member = member
  tf_groups_map = {
    for g in local.tf_groups: "${}:${g.member}" => g

View the resulting map

# terraform console
> local.tf_groups_map

  "" = {
    "group" = "tf-group-a"
    "member" = ""
  "" = {
    "group" = "tf-group-a"
    "member" = ""
  "" = {
    "group" = "tf-group-b"
    "member" = ""
  "" = {
    "group" = "tf-group-b"
    "member" = ""

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