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Reviewing, coding and reviewing again

Johan Ljunggren johlju

Reviewing, coding and reviewing again
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johlju / debug.ps1
Last active February 2, 2024 06:39
Konstigt proplem med `-replace`
# Innehållet i $b ska ersätta raden "#placeholder parameters" i innehållet av $a.
# Men saker får fnatt som man kan se i result.txt och den verkar "loopa" och göra help knasiga saker.
# Testat i PS7.4.1 enbart.
# Löste det genom att istället använda [RegEx]::Replace(), men vore roligt att veta varför.
$a = @'
# Version v#.#.# (yyyy-MM-dd)
#placeholder parameters
johlju / Update_GitHubPAT_on_AzureDevOps.ps1
Last active August 16, 2024 13:32
DSC Community: Update GitHub PAT on Azure Pipelines
# Prerequisites:
# Install Azure CLI:
winget install --id Microsoft.AzureCLI
# restart console prompt
# Install AzureDevOps extension
az extension add --name azure-devops
# Install 1Password CLI:
winget install 1password-cli
# restart console prompt
johlju / PSResourceObject.ps1
Last active January 31, 2024 09:44
PowerShell class example that implements `IComparable` and `System.IEquatable`
class PSResourceObject : IComparable, System.IEquatable[Object]
johlju / AutomateSettingGitHubPAT.ps1
Last active August 17, 2023 11:51
Automate setting GitHubToken secret variable
# Install Azure CLI:
# Install AzureDevOps extension: az extension add --name azure-devops
# Login with the account that access DSC Community pipelines: az login --allow-no-subscriptions
# Run this script and pass the PAT in the parameter.
# TODO: Fix as PSCredential so that PAT is not part of PowerShell command line history
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
johlju / DscConfiguration.ps1
Last active July 2, 2022 17:16
Problem returning property that is using class for a class-based DSC resource
# For some attempts
using module SqlServerDsc
$ConfigurationData = @{
AllNodes = @(
NodeName = 'localhost'
PSDscAllowDomainUser = $true
PSDSCAllowPlainTextPassword = $true
johlju /
Last active June 4, 2022 12:30
Steps to rename a DSC Community module repository

Steps to rename a DSC Community module repository

GitHub repository, Azure Devops and PowerShell Gallery

  1. Send in a PR (and merge it) to update the pipelines files so the repo are using the latest from Sampler.
    ./build.ps1 -ResolveDependency -Tasks build
    # Use the default values and answer Y on all questions 
    New-SampleModule -DestinationPath '..\' -ModuleType 'dsccommunity' -ModuleAuthor 'DSC Community contributors' -ModuleName (Split-Path -Leaf $PWD) -ModuleDescription 'no description' -LicenseType MIT -SourceDirectory 'source' -ModuleVersion '0.0.1' 
    Get-ChildItem -Path *.bak -Recurse -Force | Remove-Item -Force
johlju / Get-CoveredInstruction.ps1
Created April 3, 2021 10:38
Get expected missed & covered instructions from code coverage
SourceLineNumber HitCount
---------------- --------
20 219
22 219
22 219
22 219
johlju / gist:8578bf8cf693bbb2dc8f818820323759
Created May 27, 2020 16:44
Pester 5 MockUp Fails on SwitchParamater
BeforeAll {
Remove-Module -Name 'DscResource.Common' -Force
New-Module -Name 'DscResource.Common' -ScriptBlock {
function Assert-Module
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
johlju / Notes.txt
Last active May 16, 2020 09:34
Notes when converting to Pester 5
* Should -Throw has a breaking change that it is no longer using `-contains` but instead `-like`
Expected an exception, with message 'Robocopy reported errors when copying files. Error code: 8.' to be thrown, but the message was 'System.InvalidOperationException: Robocopy reported errors when copying files. Error code: 8. (SQLCOMMON0012)'.
Solution, wasn't using the localized string (used hard-coded string) and then needed to use test helper Get-InvalidOperationRecord to get the correct string that contains System.InvalidOperationException (alternative is to use wildcards *)
Assert-MockCalled -> Should -Invoke (uses the same parameters, so backward compatible)
InModuleScope must be inside Describe-block.
Use it where it is needed, for example using localization variable.
johlju / unittest.ps1
Last active April 23, 2020 05:01
Example Unit Test
InModuleScope $script:dscResourceName {
Describe 'ResourceName\Get-TargetResource' -Tag 'Get' {
BeforeAll {
# Mocks for all context blocks. Avoid if possible.
# Context block cannot always be used.
Context 'When the system is not in the desired state' {
BeforeAll {
# Mocks when the system is not in desired state