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Created April 28, 2015 17:21
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Construct a tab-separated value (TSV) file and save it to the file system, with XQuery and EXPath File Module
xquery version "3.0";
(: Construct a tab-separated value (TSV) file and save it to the file system.
: This should work in any XQuery 3.0-enabled processor that supports the EXPath File
: Module.
: Tested in oXygen 16.1 in the "XPath/XQuery Builder" view, using the "Saxon-EE XQuery"
: engine, with "Enable XQuery 3.0 support" option selected (in the "Saxon-HE/PE/EE"
: portion of oXygen's preferences).
: @see
declare namespace file="";
let $cell-separator := '	' (: tab :)
let $row-separator := '
' (: newline :)
let $column-headings := ('Document Number', 'Date', 'Document Type', 'People')
let $heading-row := string-join($column-headings, $cell-separator)
let $body-rows :=
for $doc in doc('file:/Users/joe/Downloads/Series_IIa.xml')/PAL/doc
(: Each "cell" should be a string :)
let $docNumber := $doc/@docNumber/string()
let $date := $doc/Header/docDateInfo/@value/string()
let $docClass := $doc/@docClass/string()
let $people := normalize-space(string-join($doc/Header/listPerson/person/persName ! concat(./string(), ' (', ./@refurl, ')'), '; '))
let $cells := ($docNumber, $date, $docClass, $people)
string-join($cells, $cell-separator)
let $all-rows := ($heading-row, $body-rows)
let $tsv := string-join($all-rows, $row-separator)
let $file-path := 'file:/Users/joe/Downloads/Series_IIa.tsv'
(: :)
try {
file:write-text($file-path, $tsv),
concat('Saved ', count($all-rows), ' lines to ', $file-path)
catch * {
($err:code cast as xs:string, $err:description, $err:value, concat("Module: ", $err:module, " (line ", $err:line-number, ", column ", $err:column-number, ")")),
'. '
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