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Last active August 12, 2018 19:03
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An example of how to write a component class test for an Angular component
// Based on example from:
selector: 'app-voter'
export class VoterComponent {
@Output() voted = new EventEmitter<boolean>();
didVote = false;
constructor(private loggingService: LoggingService){}
vote(agreed: boolean) {
this.didVote = true;
describe('VoterComponent', () => {
let component: VoterComponent;
let emittedValue: boolean;
let loggedVote: boolean;
let loggingServiceStub = <any>{
logVote: (vote: boolean) => { loggedVote = vote; }
beforeEach(() => {
emittedValue = undefined;
loggedVote = undefined;
// inject the service stub into the constructor
component = new VoterComponent(loggingServiceStub);
// set the output property equal to an object
// with a function that sets the passed in
// value to something we can make assertions against.
component.voted = <any>{
emit: (didVote: boolean) => { emittedValue = didVote; }
describe('vote', () => {
// simple case of asserting against a property
// of the component
it('should set didVote to true', () => {;
// asserting against an output property
it('should emit the value', () => {
const expectedValue = true;;
// asserting against the correct
// usage of a service dependency
it('should log the value', () => {
const expectedValue = false;;
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