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Created September 14, 2023 21:05
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Expo config plugin for LiveKit
function withLivekit(config: ExpoConfig): ExpoConfig {
config = withLivekitAndroid(config);
config = withLivekitIOS(config);
return config;
function withLivekitAndroid(expoConfig: ExpoConfig): ExpoConfig {
return withMainApplication(expoConfig, (config) => {
let contents = config.modResults.contents;
// Replace com.example with your package name
contents = contents.replace(
'package com.example;',
'package com.example;\nimport com.livekit.reactnative.LiveKitReactNative;'
contents = contents.replace(
config.modResults.contents = contents;
return config;
function withLivekitIOS(expoConfig: ExpoConfig): ExpoConfig {
return withAppDelegate(expoConfig, (config) => {
let contents = config.modResults.contents;
contents = contents.replace(
'#import "AppDelegate.h"',
'#import "AppDelegate.h"\n#import "LivekitReactNative.h"'
contents = contents.replace(
'self.moduleName = @"main";',
'self.moduleName = @"main";\n[LivekitReactNative setup];'
config.modResults.contents = contents;
return config;
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