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Last active August 9, 2024 01:41
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# Dictionary of common PE file sections and descriptions.
# Taken from here:
common_sections_dict = {".00cfg":"Control Flow Guard CFG section added by newer versions of Visual Studio", \
".apiset":"a section present inside the apisetschema.dll", \
".arch":"Alpha-architecture section", \
".autoload_text":"cygwin/gcc; the Cygwin DLL uses a section to avoid copying certain data on fork.", \
".bindat":"Binary data also used by one of the downware installers based on LUA", \
".bootdat":"section that can be found inside Visual Studio files; contains palette entries", \
".bss":"Uninitialized Data Section", \
".BSS":"Uninitialized Data Section", \
".buildid":"gcc/cygwin; Contains debug information if overlaps with debug directory", \
".CLR_UEF":".CLR Unhandled Exception Handler section; see", \
".code":"Code Section", \
".cormeta":".CLR Metadata Section", \
".complua":"Binary data, most likely compiled LUA also used by one of the downware installers based on LUA", \
".CRT":"Initialized Data Section C RunTime", \
".cygwin_dll_common":"cygwin section containing flags representing Cygwin’s capabilities; refer to and inside Cygwin run-time", \
".data":"Data Section", \
".DATA":"Data Section", \
".data1":"Data Section", \
".data2":"Data Section", \
".data3":"Data Section", \
".debug":"Debug info Section", \
".debug$F":"Debug info Section Visual C++ version <7.0", \
".debug$P":"Debug info Section Visual C++ debug information precompiled information", \
".debug$S":"Debug info Section Visual C++ debug information symbolic information", \
".debug$T":"Debug info Section Visual C++ debug information type information", \
".drectve ":"directive section temporary, linker removes it after processing it; should not appear in a final PE image", \
".didat":"Delay Import Section", \
".didata":"Delay Import Section", \
".edata":"Export Data Section", \
".eh_fram":"gcc/cygwin; Exception Handler Frame section", \
".export":"Alternative Export Data Section", \
".fasm":"FASM flat Section", \
".flat":"FASM flat Section", \
".gfids":"section added by new Visual Studio 14.0; purpose unknown", \
".giats":"section added by new Visual Studio 14.0; purpose unknown", \
".gljmp":"section added by new Visual Studio 14.0; purpose unknown", \
".glue_7t":"ARMv7 core glue functions thumb mode", \
".glue_7":"ARMv7 core glue functions 32-bit ARM mode", \
".idata":"Initialized Data Section Borland", \
".idlsym":"IDL Attributes registered SEH", \
".impdata":"Alternative Import data section", \
".itext":"Code Section Borland", \
".ndata":"Nullsoft Installer section", \
".orpc":"Code section inside rpcrt4.dll", \
".pdata":"Exception Handling Functions Section PDATA records", \
".rdata":"Read-only initialized Data Section MS and Borland", \
".reloc":"Relocations Section", \
".rodata":"Read-only Data Section", \
".rsrc":"Resource section", \
".sbss":"GP-relative Uninitialized Data Section", \
".script":"Section containing script", \
".shared":"Shared section", \
".sdata":"GP-relative Initialized Data Section", \
".srdata":"GP-relative Read-only Data Section", \
".stab":"Created by Haskell compiler GHC", \
".stabstr":"Created by Haskell compiler GHC", \
".sxdata":"Registered Exception Handlers Section", \
".text":"Code Section", \
".text0":"Alternative Code Section", \
".text1":"Alternative Code Section", \
".text2":"Alternative Code Section", \
".text3":"Alternative Code Section", \
".textbss":"Section used by incremental linking", \
".tls":"Thread Local Storage Section", \
".tls$":"Thread Local Storage Section", \
".udata":"Uninitialized Data Section", \
".vsdata":"GP-relative Initialized Data", \
".xdata":"Exception Information Section", \
".wixburn":"Wix section; see", \
".wpp_sf ":"section that is most likely related to WPP Windows software trace PreProcessor; not sure how it is used though; the code inside the section is just a bunch of routines that call FastWppTraceMessage that in turn calls EtwTraceMessage", \
"BSS":"Uninitialized Data Section Borland", \
"CODE":"Code Section Borland", \
"DATA":"Data Section Borland", \
"DGROUP":"Legacy data group section", \
"edata":"Export Data Section", \
"idata":"Initialized Data Section C RunTime", \
"INIT":"INIT section drivers", \
"minATL":"Section that can be found inside some ARM PE files; purpose unknown; .exe files on Windows 10 also include this section as well; its purpose is unknown, but it contains references to ___pobjectentryfirst,___pobjectentrymid,___pobjectentrylast pointers used by Microsoft::WRL::Details::ModuleBase::… methods described e.g. here, and also referenced by .pdb symbols; so, looks like it is being used internally by Windows Runtime C++ Template Library WRL which is a successor of Active Template Library ATL; further research needed", \
"PAGE":"PAGE section drivers", \
"rdata":"Read-only Data Section", \
"sdata":"Initialized Data Section", \
"shared":"Shared section", \
"Shared":"Shared section", \
"testdata":"section containing test data can be found inside Visual Studio files", \
"text":"Alternative Code Section"}
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