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Created May 8, 2012 20:41
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example ruby for silencing checks in Sensu
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'em-http-request'
require 'json'
servers = ["mysql01", "rabbitmq01",
"riak01", "api01", "web01",
"widgets01", "app01", "app02"]
pending = servers.length {
servers.each do |server|
request_options = {
:body => {'timestamp' =>}.to_json,
:head => {'content-type' => 'application/json'} }
http ="http://sensuserver:8080/stash/silence/#{server}").post request_options
http.callback {
puts "#{server}\n#{http.response_header.status} - #{http.response.length} bytes\n"
puts http.response
pending -= 1
puts pending
EM.stop if pending == 0
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We run this from Jenkins to silence all checks for hosts in the servers array on a regular schedule. Another script is used to unsilence the same servers later.

Note, this silences every check on the listed hosts. You can also silence individual checks within hosts.

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