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Created February 6, 2012 21:44
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Save joelhaasnoot/1755101 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
My very simple django deploy script
from fabric.api import task, cd, sudo, run, env, prefix
from contextlib import contextmanager as _contextmanager
def live():
env.hosts = ['']
env.virtualenv = "project-release"
env.parent = "github"
env.branch = "master"
env.user = "user"
env.key_filename = ["~/.ssh/id_rsa"]
env.code_dir = ''
def deploy():
pull(env.parent, env.branch)
def test():
with virtualenv(), path():
run("./ test")
def dependencies():
with virtualenv(), path():
run("pip install -r requirements/base.txt")
def pull(parent="github", branch="master"):
with path():
run("git pull") # %(parent)s %(branch)s" % {'parent' : parent, 'branch' : branch })
def migrate():
with virtualenv(), path():
run("./ syncdb --noinput")
run("./ migrate --noinput")
def translate():
with virtualenv(), path():
run(" compilemessages")
def files():
with virtualenv(), path():
run("./ collectstatic --noinput")
def apache_restart():
sudo('/etc/init.d/httpd restart')
def virtualenv():
with prefix("workon %s" % env.virtualenv):
def path():
with cd(env.code_dir):
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