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Created March 14, 2020 15:45
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this is the LSTM implementation that the 2ed of data science from scratch promised to share
class Lstm(Layer):
def __init__(self, input_dim: int, hidden_dim: int) -> None:
self.input_dim = input_dim
self.hidden_dim = hidden_dim
# Forget-gate weights
self.w_f = random_tensor(hidden_dim, input_dim, variance=2/(hidden_dim + input_dim))
self.u_f = random_tensor(hidden_dim, hidden_dim, variance=1/hidden_dim)
self.b_f = random_tensor(hidden_dim)
# Input-gate weights
self.w_i = random_tensor(hidden_dim, input_dim, variance=2/(hidden_dim + input_dim))
self.u_i = random_tensor(hidden_dim, hidden_dim, variance=1/hidden_dim)
self.b_i = random_tensor(hidden_dim)
# Output-gate weights
self.w_o = random_tensor(hidden_dim, input_dim, variance=2/(hidden_dim + input_dim))
self.u_o = random_tensor(hidden_dim, hidden_dim, variance=1/hidden_dim)
self.b_o = random_tensor(hidden_dim)
# Cell state weights
self.w_c = random_tensor(hidden_dim, input_dim, variance=2/(hidden_dim + input_dim))
self.u_c = random_tensor(hidden_dim, hidden_dim, variance=1/hidden_dim)
self.b_c = random_tensor(hidden_dim)
# reset hidden state
def reset_hidden_state(self) -> None:
self.h = [0 for _ in range(self.hidden_dim)]
self.c = [0 for _ in range(self.hidden_dim)]
def forward(self, input: Tensor) -> Tensor:
# Remember to use in backprop
self.input = input
self.prev_c = self.c
self.prev_h = self.h
# Forget gate
self.pre_f = [dot(self.w_f[h], input) + dot(self.u_f[h], self.h) + self.b_f[h]
for h in range(self.hidden_dim)]
self.f = tensor_apply(sigmoid, self.pre_f)
# Input gate
self.pre_i = [dot(self.w_i[h], input) + dot(self.u_i[h], self.h) + self.b_i[h]
for h in range(self.hidden_dim)]
self.i = tensor_apply(sigmoid, self.pre_i)
# Output gate
self.pre_o = [dot(self.w_o[h], input) + dot(self.u_o[h], self.h) + self.b_o[h]
for h in range(self.hidden_dim)]
self.o = tensor_apply(sigmoid, self.pre_o)
# pre-cell-state
self.pre_pre_c = [dot(self.w_c[h], input) + dot(self.u_c[h], self.h) + self.b_c[h]
for h in range(self.hidden_dim)]
self.pre_c = tensor_apply(tanh, self.pre_pre_c)
# forget some cell state (using the forget gate), and
# add some new cell state (using the input gate and the pre-cell-state)
self.updated_c = [self.f[h] * self.c[h] + self.i[h] * self.pre_c[h]
for h in range(self.hidden_dim)]
# apply non-linearity to updated_c
self.c = tensor_apply(tanh, self.updated_c)
# update hidden state using output gate and new cell state
self.h = [self.o[h] * self.c[h] for h in range(self.hidden_dim)]
return self.h
def backward(self, gradient: Tensor) -> Tensor:
# Let's chug along one step at a time
# gradients from self.h =
grad_o = [gradient[h] * self.c[h] for h in range(self.hidden_dim)]
grad_c = [self.o[h] * gradient[h] for h in range(self.hidden_dim)]
# gradient from self.c =
grad_updated_c = [grad_c[h] * (1 - self.c[h] ** 2) for h in range(self.hidden_dim)]
# gradient from self.updated_c =
grad_f = [grad_updated_c[h] * self.c[h] for h in range(self.hidden_dim)]
grad_prev_c = [self.f[h] * grad_updated_c[h] for h in range(self.hidden_dim)]
grad_i = [grad_updated_c[h] * self.pre_c[h] for h in range(self.hidden_dim)]
grad_pre_c = [self.i[h] * grad_updated_c[h] for h in range(self.hidden_dim)]
# gradient from self.pre_c =
grad_pre_pre_c = [grad_pre_c[h] * (1 - self.pre_c[h] ** 2) for h in range(self.hidden_dim)]
# gradients from self.pre_pre_c = (except for wrt inputs)
self.grad_w_c = [[grad_pre_pre_c[h] * self.input[i] for i in range(self.input_dim)]
for h in range(self.hidden_dim)]
self.grad_u_c = [[grad_pre_pre_c[h] * self.prev_h[h2] for h2 in range(self.hidden_dim)]
for h in range(self.hidden_dim)]
self.grad_b_c = grad_pre_pre_c
# gradient from self.o =
grad_pre_o = [grad_o[h] * (1 - self.o[h]) * self.o[h] for h in range(self.hidden_dim)]
# gradient from self.pre_o =
self.grad_w_o = [[grad_pre_o[h] * self.input[i] for i in range(self.input_dim)]
for h in range(self.hidden_dim)]
self.grad_u_o = [[grad_pre_o[h] * self.prev_h[h2] for h2 in range(self.hidden_dim)]
for h in range(self.hidden_dim)]
self.grad_b_o = grad_pre_o
# gradient from self.i =
grad_pre_i = [grad_i[h] * (1 - self.i[h]) * self.i[h] for h in range(self.hidden_dim)]
# gradient from self.pre_i =
self.grad_w_i = [[grad_pre_i[h] * self.input[i] for i in range(self.input_dim)]
for h in range(self.hidden_dim)]
self.grad_u_i = [[grad_pre_i[h] * self.prev_h[h2] for h2 in range(self.hidden_dim)]
for h in range(self.hidden_dim)]
self.grad_b_i = grad_pre_i
# gradient from self.f =
grad_pre_f = [grad_f[h] * (1 - self.f[h]) * self.f[h] for h in range(self.hidden_dim)]
# gradient from self.pre_f =
self.grad_w_f = [[grad_pre_f[h] * self.input[i] for i in range(self.input_dim)]
for h in range(self.hidden_dim)]
self.grad_u_f = [[grad_pre_f[h] * self.prev_h[h2] for h2 in range(self.hidden_dim)]
for h in range(self.hidden_dim)]
self.grad_b_f = grad_pre_f
# gradient wrt input
return [sum(grad_pre_f[h] * self.w_f[h][i] +
grad_pre_i[h] * self.w_i[h][i] +
grad_pre_o[h] * self.w_o[h][i] +
grad_pre_c[h] * self.w_c[h][i]
for h in range(self.hidden_dim))
for i in range(self.input_dim)]
def params(self):
return [
self.w_o, self.u_o, self.b_o,
self.w_i, self.u_i, self.b_i,
self.w_f, self.u_f, self.b_f,
self.w_c, self.u_c, self.b_c
def grads(self):
return [
self.grad_w_o, self.grad_u_o, self.grad_b_o,
self.grad_w_i, self.grad_u_i, self.grad_b_i,
self.grad_w_f, self.grad_u_f, self.grad_b_f,
self.grad_w_c, self.grad_u_c, self.grad_b_c
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