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Last active August 26, 2024 22:15
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  • Save joeldrapper/bf5cfe4601a5abd661fb9c36e2fa42f2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save joeldrapper/bf5cfe4601a5abd661fb9c36e2fa42f2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
My Zed Config
"context": "Editor",
"bindings": {
"alt-up": "editor::SelectLargerSyntaxNode",
"alt-down": "editor::SelectSmallerSyntaxNode",
"ctrl-cmd-up": "editor::MoveLineUp",
"ctrl-cmd-down": "editor::MoveLineDown"
"assistant": {
"default_open_ai_model": "gpt-4",
"provider": {
"name": "openai",
"default_model": "gpt-4"
"vim_mode": true,
"features": {
"copilot": true
"show_inline_completions": true,
"theme": "Rosé Pine Moon",
"buffer_font_family": "Monolisa Variable",
"soft_wrap": "editor_width",
"hard_tabs": true,
"tab_size": 2,
"format_on_save": "on",
"buffer_font_size": 16,
"buffer_line_height": {
"custom": 1.7
"indent_guides": {
"enabled": false
"tab_bar": {
"show": true
"semantic_index": {
"enabled": true
"lsp": {
"solargraph": {
"initialization_options": {
"diagnostics": false,
"formatting": false
"ruby-lsp": {
"initialization_options": {
"diagnostics": true,
"formatting": false
"tailwindcss-language-server": {
"settings": {
"includeLanguages": {
"erb": "html",
"ruby": "html"
"experimental": {
"classRegex": ["\\bclass:\\s*['\"]([^'\"]*)['\"]"]
"languages": {
"Ruby": {
"language_servers": [
"formatter": {
"external": {
"command": "bundle",
"arguments": [
"Markdown": {
"soft_wrap": "preferred_line_length",
"preferred_line_length": 80,
"hard_tabs": false
"YAML": {
"hard_tabs": false
"file_scan_exclusions": ["*.git", "*.DS_Store"]
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notpeter commented Jun 20, 2024

Thanks for sharing this @joeldrapper! Could you make one small change since we're deprecating some zed settings -- can you update with show_inline_completions in place of show_copilot_suggestions.

Thanks! -peter@zed

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@joeldrapper @notpeter is there a way to make the formatter optional? It's calling bundle exec rubocop now. So it always fails on projects that have rubocop not in the Gemfile. Having it optional based on the Gemfile would be great though. Some projects don't use rubocop and I would like to just edit them without any zed magic.

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You can disable it by setting format on save to off. You may want to disable it globally and then enable it for specific projects with a .zed/settings.json file in the project.

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Thanks Joel. Sounds like a reasonable approach.

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