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Last active January 4, 2023 03:29
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  • Save jochumdev/25e444ec0438e80cbd7df60649054e48 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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DRD Start Options

Bots per player

Players Bots
1-2 1
3-4 2
5+ 3

Center Box

Vertical box

!addbox 0 80 200 120 2

Horizontal box

!addbox 80 0 120 200 2


  • Add one Insane bot per Player
!map geo_green_v20
!startmetal 50000
!startenergy 1000000
!mo_graceperiod 1200
!mo_queendifficulty vh_chickenq
!mo_queentime 60
!split h 20
!clearbox 1
!maxunits 3000

Asteroid Defense 1.1

  • Add one Insane bot per Player
!map Asteroid Defense
!addbox 80 0 120 200 2
!startmetal 20000
!startenergy 1000000
!mo_graceperiod 1000
!mo_queendifficulty vh_chickenq
!mo_queentime 60
!maxunits 3000

greener_fields 3 Players

This is freaking hard!

  • Add 2 Very Hard Bots
!map Greener_Fields
!split h 20
!clearbox 1
!startmetal 16000
!startenergy 500000
!maxunits 3000
!mo_graceperiod 1200
!mo_queendifficulty vh_chickenq

Techno Lands v13.7

Add Bots as needed 2 Bots is good per player for advanced players.

!map Techno Lands Final 13.7
!startmetal 15000
!startenergy 500000
!mo_graceperiod 900
!mo_queendifficulty vh_chickenq
!mo_queentime 60
!split h 25
!clearbox 1
!maxunits 3000
!map_maxheight 30

Ultra custom bot

The hardest bot we have played yet.

# Number of waves (80 Insane)
!mo_custom_numwaves 80
# Multiple the internal unit costs per wave table with that (1.5 Insane)
!mo_custom_cost_multiplier 4
# Spawn every x seconds (28 Insane)
!mo_custom_burrowspawn 15
# Max units spwaning at king (30 Insane)
!mo_custom_kingmaxunits 30
# NOt sure
!mo_custom_angerbonus 20
# not sure experience something
!mo_custom_expstep 0.6
# At least spawn x chickens per wave (Insane 30)
!mo_custom_minchicken 50
# Max x chickens per wave (Insane 80)
!mo_custom_maxchicken 80
# 80% spawnchance (Insane 80)
!mo_custom_spawnchance 85
# Double the damage (Insane 1.5)
!mo_custom_damagemod 1.5
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