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Created May 7, 2018 23:33
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WzLobby API V1

WzRESTLobby API V1 Documentation

This document describes the V1 API of WzRESTLobby



Login to lobby with the given username and password.

returns: JWT access token



Lists the current active games in Lobby.

returns: object

    "host"           : "",
    "port"           : 2100,
    "description"    : "Test 1",
    "currentPlayers" : 1,
    "maxPlayers"     : 3,
    "multiVer"       : "Warzone 2100 master",
    "wzVerMajor"     : 0x1000,
    "wzVerMinor"     : 0,
    "isPrivate"      : false,
    "modlist"        : "",
    "mapname"        : "Sk-Rush-T1",
    "hostplayer"     : "Fastdeath",
    "limits"         : 0x0


Creates a new game on the lobby.

returns: UUID



Get detailed informations about a game in lobby.

returns: object

    "host"           : "",
    "port"           : 2100,
    "description"    : "Test 1",
    "currentPlayers" : 1,
    "maxPlayers"     : 3,
    "multiVer"       : "Warzone 2100 master",
    "wzVerMajor"     : 0x1000,
    "wzVerMinor"     : 0,
    "isPrivate"      : false,
    "modlist"        : "",
    "mapname"        : "Sk-Rush-T1",
    "hostplayer"     : "Fastdeath",
    "limits"         : 0x0,
    "players":  [
            "name": "Fastdeath", 
            "rank": "not-sure-what-to-put-here", 
            "team": "a",
            "isAI": false,
            "available": false
            "name": "NullBot",
            "team": "b",
            "isAI": true,
            "available": false
            "name": "pastdue", 
            "rank": "not-sure-what-to-put-here", 
            "team": "c",
            "isAI": false,
            "available": false


Changes a game.

optional arguments: description, isPrivate, mapname

returns: NONE


Deletes the game if it was created by the authenticated user or the authenticated user is an admin.

returns: boolean



Add a new player to the game.

arguments: name, slot

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