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Pattern types RFC


This RFC introduces pattern types, which are subtypes of matchable types that are statically restricted to a subset of the variants of the original type. Alongside this, this RFC also makes some changes to the Any trait to ensure that this new form of subtyping does not lead to unsoundness or breakage.


  1. There are a number of "magic" types like NonZeroI32 and OwnedFd in core and std that expose their validity invariants (non-zero / not-minus-one) to the compiler, allowing them to have extra niches, enabling guaranteed layout optimizations. It would be very useful to be able to create these kinds of types in user code. While currently implemented via a special perma-unstable attribute, past proposals to stabilise this where not succesful.
  2. With const generics stabilized, the type system lacks a practical method to constrain these parameters. This would enable stabilizing the as_chunks method on slices (where N may not be zero) and implementing Default for arrays of all sizes.
  3. Expressing API invariants like providing a power-of-two alignment value in Layout::from_size_align currently necessitates creating extra wrapper types like Alignment or adding extra runtime checks to the function. A convenient, pay-as-you-go language-side solution would also eliminate checks around constant values like NonZeroI32::new(1).unwrap.

Guide-level explanation

Pattern types are used to add compiler-checked invariants to types. They are written by adding a pattern to the underlying type in the form type is pattern. A few examples:

Option<i32> is Some(_)
i32 is 1..16
&[Ordering] is [Ordering::Less, ..]

The compiler guarantees that values of these types always match their associated pattern.

API bounds

These types allow moving runtime checks, documentation remarks or safety guarantees into the API of a function. Take for instance a function finding the minimum element of a slice of integers. Ideally, we would want its signature to be:

fn minimum(&[i32]) -> i32

But what if the slice is empty? We could make the function panic in that case, but that introduces a source for bugs, as the function no longer works for all inputs (it is not total). To make it total, we could make the return type an Option<i32> and just return None for empty slices. Or, we can use pattern types! To always return i32, we just need to ensure that the function is never called with empty slices and with pattern types, we can do exactly that!

The pattern [_, ..] matches all non-empty slices, so [i32] is [_, ..] is the type of a non-empty slice. With this, we can write our total, i32-returning minimum function:

fn minimum(slice: &[i32] is [_, ..]) -> i32 {
    // This works, because the compiler knows that there is at least one element!
    let [first, rest @ ..] = slice;

    let mut minimum = first;
    for element in rest {
        minimum = i32::min(minimum, element);

But how do we call this function? Simple! By just using a slice that the compiler knows is not empty, like an array:

let min = minimum(&[0, 1, 2, 3]);
assert_eq!(min, 0);

For dynamically-sized slices, this is a little more complicated. For instance,

let slice = /* some slice */;
if !slice.is_empty() {
    let min = minimum(slice);

unfortunately does not work, as the compiler does not know the meaning of the is_empty method. What if it always returned false, even for empty slices?

match coming to the rescue! If a value is bound by a pattern, the compiler remembers this, so the following works:

fn print_minimum(slice: &[i32]) {
    match slice {
        // s matches [_, ..], so it can be used as an &[i32] is [_, ..].
        s @ [_, ..] => print!("{}", minimum(s)),
        [] => {}

It doesn't even have to be a match, even. Any binding works, so you could for instance use a let-else statement like

let month @ 1..=12 = input else { todo!("handle invalid input") };

to get a value that can be used as an i32 is 1..=12.

Or you can just pass along the requirement to the caller by using another pattern type. Note that the patterns don't need to be the same, so you could for instance use a pattern matching only slices with length two or three and still use the new type as an &[i32] is [_, ..] or even as a normal slice (&[i32]):

fn minimum_of_two_or_three(slice: &[i32] is [_, _] | [_, _, _]) -> i32 {

Type system

In const generics, pattern types constrain the impl to the matched values of the type:

impl<const N: usize is 1..=5> MyTrait for [i32; N] {}

The compiler treats this impl just as if you had written a separate impl for each matched value:

impl MyTrait for [i32; 1] {}
impl MyTrait for [i32; 2] {}
impl MyTrait for [i32; 3] {}
impl MyTrait for [i32; 4] {}
impl MyTrait for [i32; 5] {}

N.B.: this way, traits like Default can be implemented for arrays of all sizes:

use core::array;

impl<T> Default for [T; 0] {
    fn default() -> [T; 0] {

impl<T: Default, const N: usize is 1..> Default for [T; N] {
    fn default() -> [T; N] {
        array::from_fn(|_| T::default())

Inside the standard library, the as_chunks method on slices (unstable and implemented differently at the time of writing)

fn as_chunks<const N: usize is 1..>(self: &[T]) -> (&[[T; N]], &[])

uses pattern types to ensure at compile time that division by zero does not occur.

This method can be easily used with a constant value of N

fn in_twos(slice: &[i32]) -> &[[i32; 2]] {
    let (chunks, _) = slice.as_chunks::<2>();

or by using a const-generic with a subpattern:

fn power_of_two_chunks<const N: usize is 1 | 2 | 4 | 8 | 16>(slice: &[i32]) -> &[[i32; N]] {
    let (chunks, _) = slice.as_chunks::<N>();

For unconstrained Ns, using it is more complicated, as there is (currently) no form of match that only selects one arm for compilation. To work around this, define a private trait and implement it for all values of N, using pattern types to "specialize" for certain cases (Note: this depends on rust-lang/project-const-generics#26). E.g.:

fn chunks_or_empty<const N: usize>(slice: &[i32]) -> &[[i32; N]] {
    trait ChunksOrEmpty {
        fn divide(slice: &[i32]) -> &[Self];

    impl ChunksOrEmpty for [i32; 0] {
        fn divide(slice: &[i32]) -> &[Self] {

    impl<const LEN: usize is 1..> for [i32; LEN] {
        fn divide(slice: &[i32]) -> &[Self] {
            slice.as_chunks() // works because LEN is not zero

    <[i32; N]>::divide(slice)


By using a pattern type, you can provide additional niche information to the compiler. For instance,

pub struct Positive(i32 is 1..);

can only hold positive numbers, so other values can be used as niches for enums, reducing the size of the enum:

size_of::<Positive>() == 4
size_of::<Option<Positive>>() == 4

This optimization can only be applied when the pattern type is not a generic, so e.g. Option<i32 is 1..> has size 5. This is necessary because an Option<i32 is 1..> may be used as an Option<i32> and therefore needs to have the same layout.

Reference-level explanation

Pattern types are a simple form of refinement types, where types are constrained by set relations.

A pattern type is a subtype of another type if all variants in its pattern-set are contained in the pattern-set of the other type. This allows using e.g. an i32 is 0..4 as an i32 is 0..42. It also implies that e.g. i32 is 0..4 and i32 is 0..=3 are equivalent.

The compiler checks that, when a value is used where a pattern type is expected, the value can only be one of the values matched by the pattern. Values satisfying the pattern can be obtained either by direct construction:

let val = 4;
let bounded: i32 is 2..=42 = val; // Works, because val can only be 4.

by using a value with a type that is a subtype of the expected type:

let val: &[i32] is [_, _, ..] = /* ... */;
let bounded: &[i32] is [_, ..] = val;

or by using a match expression to get a value bounded by a specific pattern

match val {
    // v can be used where a `Ordering is Ordering::Less | Ordering::Greater`
    // is expected.
    v @ Ordering::Less | Ordering::Greater => /* ... */, 
    _ => /* ... */,


Because it is impossible for a pattern type to hold a value not matched by its pattern, these values are available as niches for layout optimization purposes. Enums, however, are in most cases covariant over their generic types, and so the layout may not change with the pattern. E.g. Option<i32 is 1..=42> is a subtype of Option<i32> and so must have the same layout. Only when the enum is invariant over the pattern type can the niches be used:

// Can be just a single i32.
enum VariantOrNum {
    Num(i32 is 0..=23),

// Has niches, so Option<Positive> will be smaller that Option<isize>
struct Positive(isize is 1..);

// Is invariant, so niches in the pattern of T can be used
enum Invariant<T> {
    Function(fn(T) -> T),

Giving precise guarantees about where niche optimization is applied is left for future RFCs.

Type system

Traits can only be implemented once per base type. While this trait implementation might be constrained by using a pattern type, allowing multiple impls for the same type is a form of specialization not currently allowed:

trait SomeTrait {}
trait OtherTrait {}

impl SomeTrait for i32 is 0 | 1 {}
impl SomeTrait for i32 is 0 {} // Error: Conflicting trait implementations.

Furthermore, defining an associated item twice for the same base type is also forbidden:

enum MyEnum {

impl MyEnum is This {
    fn method(self) {}

impl MyEnum is That {
    fn method(self) {} // Error: Multiple definitions of the same item.

These restrictions are not applicable to the usage of pattern types in const generics, as the resulting types are completely distict in the type system. Therefore, you could write code like the following:

trait SomeTrait {}
struct WithConst<const V: i32> { .. }

impl<const V: i32 is -2..5> SomeTrait for WithConst<V> {}
impl<const V: i32 is 42..48> SomeTrait for WithConst<V> {}

The compiler treats this as if you had written a separate impl for each possible variant. This however only works as long as the patterns do not intersect (that would result in multiple impls for the same type).


As (at the moment) pattern types cannot implement Clone, they also do not implement Copy. To avoid inconveniencing users, however, non-generic pattern types can still be copied around freely if their base type is Copy. E.g.:

fn generic<T: Copy>(t: T) {}

generic::<i32 is 0>(0); // ERROR: type does not implement `Copy`
generic(0); // Works as T is inferred as (i32 is _).

does not work, whereas

fn copy(v: i32 is 0) -> (i32 is 0, i32 is 0) {
    (v, v)

works just fine. In the future, implementations generic over the pattern could be used to relax this restriction.

Alternatively, compiler magic could be used to implement Clone for pattern types with a primitive base type.

The Any trait

In previous versions of Rust, the Any trait was implemented for all 'static types. With pattern types however, this does hold anymore, as pattern types are 'static if their base type is, but cannot implement Any, since doing so would either cause subtle breakage in existing code or lead to unsoundness.

For example,

let x = match 42 { x @ 42 => x, _ => panic!() };
let y: i32 = *(&x as &dyn Any).downcast_ref().unwrap();

must remain working, even though x can be inferred to be i32 is 42. Therefore, if i32 is 42 implemented Any, it would need to have the same TypeId as i32, which would result in unsoundness:

// This should not work.
let constrained: i32 is 42 = *(&0 as &dyn Any).downcast_ref().unwrap();

For this reason, the Any trait is implemented by the compiler only for 'static, unconstrained types. This works as expected for generic code with an explicit T: Any bound. However, there exists a lot of code relying on the assumption that T: 'static leads to T: Any. To ensure that this code continues to work, the compiler automatically inserts an Any bound whereever T: 'static can be proven. In most cases, like thread::spawn for instance, this is needlessly restrictive, so this bound can be manually relaxed by adding T: ?Any.

Care should be exercised when adding this bound in libraries, as it can be a breaking change.

Undefined behaviour and optimization

It is undefined behaviour to bind a value with a pattern that does not include the value, or to perform a match on a value that is not covered by any arm.

The folling examples all exhibit this kind of undefined behaviour.

let x: i32 is 0 = unsafe { transmute(1) }; // UB.

fn take(x: i32 is 0) {}
take(unsafe { transmute(1) }); // UB.

match unsafe { transmute(1) } { // UB.
    0 => println!("Ha, I tricked Rust");

This example, on the other hand, does not exhibit undefined behaviour, and remains sound, just as it was in previous versions of Rust.

let mut x = 0;

unsafe {
    ptr::from_mut(&mut x).cast::<i32>().write(1);

match x {
    0 => unreachable!(),
    1 => println!("reached"),

This very limited definition for UB ensures that previously sound code is not made unsound by the introduction of pattern types or by upgrades in the analysis. However, it also limits the optimizations the compiler may perform, as an inferred pattern may not be used to prove that a match arm cannot be reached. It also complicates the implementation of lints that recommend the removal of such unreachable arms.

Method of analysis

This RFC proposes to run the analysis in two steps, so just like with lifetimes, type inference generates pattern constraints in the form

pattern_a: pattern_b

(spoken as "pattern A contains pattern B") from subtyping relationships, and leaves these constrains to be solved by the pattern checker. The individual patterns can be either named (a set of variants) or pattern variables.

Modifications to type inference

Method resolution and inference of associated types should not take patterns into account. This is aided by the restrictions that

  1. associated items can only be defined once per base type
  2. traits can only be implemented once per base type

With this rule in place, the type system gains the property that changing the return type of a function to a subtype of the original type is not a breaking change and cannot lead to inference failures. So changing

fn get() -> i32;


fn get() -> i32 is 0;

is a completely backwards-compatible change.

Therefore, the following changes can be made without breaking programs:

  • The type of literal expressions and variant constructors is changed to a pattern type constraining the base type to the specific value being constructed.
  • The return type of indexing an array with the open pattern .. and the return type of the as_slice/as_mut_slice methods are changed to the pattern type describing a slice with the length of the array.

Furthermore, when a type is matched upon, type inference generates a pattern constraint: the combination-set of all the matched variants must contain the pattern-set of the type being matched. This replaces the existing exhaustiveness check.

Pattern checking

This RFC proposes to introduce pattern types with a flow-insensitive form of pattern checking, hence pattern bounds must hold in the entire CFG.

To prove a bound, the analysis has to verify that every variant matched by the pattern of the subtype is contained in/matched by the pattern of the base type.

With bounds between named patterns, this is equivalent to today's exhaustiveness check. For pattern variables, on the other hand, the analysis needs to ensure that there is no contradiction between the bounds. For example

a: 0..=10
0..=42: a


b: 0..=10
b: 0..=42
0..=100: b

work, but

c: 0..=10
0..=5: c


c: 0..=10
d: c
d: 0..=42
0..=5: d



Added complexity

As with any new language feature, the deciding question at the end is if the benefits outwheigh the added cost in language complexity.

However, at least for niche optimization, some language feature will always need to exist, because e.g. NonZero* has [a guaranteed niche] (

New syntax

While the presented syntax is unambiguous and backwards-compatible in the normal syntax, introducing pattern types in the current edition would break macros. Therefore, the choosen syntax would need to be introduced with a new edition.

Slice and array weirdness

Choosing subtyping instead of coersion for forming relationships between pattern types makes them easier to use and analyse. It has however the disadvantage of making [T] is [_, _, _] and [T; 3] (or any other array) different types. This is necessary because &[T] is [_, _, _] needs to have the same layout as &[T] (i.e. a wide pointer) to allow for subtyping, which is incompatible with &[T; 3] (a single pointer). The resulting confusion could be remedied by adding coercion from fixed-length slices to arrays, but that is left as a future possibility.

Any weirdness

As described above, the Any trait is, in its current form, incompatible with pattern types, at least if they are created through match. The changes above can only be avoided if pattern types use coercion and are created with a special syntax, which makes them much less appealing as a language feature aimed at being a lightweight addition.

Rationale and alternatives

Why patterns and not expressions?

Patterns provide a useful middle-ground between exhaustive enumeration and fully-general expressions.

  • Sticking to a non-turing-complete mechanism avoids Rice's Theorem, allowing checking to be tractable.
  • Patterns allow expressing more complicated properties than just "this value is the niche" or "it's exactly this variant".
  • Reusing an existing set of constructs is easier for humans to learn, and helps simplify the rules for what has which type when.

This is like how Rust has exhaustiveness checking for patterns in match, but not for ifs.

Why are patterns not considered for differentiating trait implementations?

As mentioned in the reference section, multiple trait implementations on the same base type conflict, even when their patterns do not intersect. In particular, this prohibits associated types from depending on the pattern. This rule is enforced to avoid complex interactions between pattern checking and the type system that would need further studying to ensure tractability. It is possible that the requirement could be relaxed in the future, allowing specialization depending on the pattern.

Why use subtyping instead of coercion?

It is very difficult to reconcile a coercion-based approach with matching, as applying the coercion rules as they are today to pattern types would break previously working code. Consider this snippet:

let x = match 42 {
    x @ 42 => x,
    _ => return,
let y: &mut &i32 = &mut &x;

If the type of x changes to i32 is 42, the compiler will reject the snippet, as reference creation is not a coercion site.

Making pattern types subtypes of their base types avoids these kinds of problems, and additionally makes it possible to refine the return type of a function with patterns in a backwards-compatible way, which is a necessary precondition for the adoption of pattern types in existing APIs like stds.

However, it also has some downsides:

  • Option<PatternType> needs to have the same layout as Option<BaseType>
  • traits can only be implemented once per base type, eliminating/complicating specializations like
    i32: Div<i32> // panicking version
    i32: Div<i32 is ..=-1 | 1..> // non-panicking version

Other solutions to the niche problem

Currently, niches for NonZeroI32 and friends are implemented using the perma- unstable rustc_layout_scalar_valid_range attribute. This attribute makes constructing the type unsafe and does not allow const-generics parameters to be used. To solve this, a previous proposal attempted to introduce a new wrapper type for integers, associating them with a valid range similar to the pattern refinement in this proposal:

#[lang_item = ".."]
pub struct Ranged<T, const VALID: RangeInclusive<T>>(..);

While this mostly solves the niche optimization use-case, it

  • is inflexible, as it only allows a simple inclusive range as pattern.
  • is unergonomic, since a special constructor is needed and no subtype relations are formed.
  • does not work with enums and slices. The design has the advantage of not requiring any new syntax or analysis, however.

Prior art

For the niche optimization usecase, other solutions have been proposed:

  • RFC 3334 tried to make the existing internal attribute for setting niches public, but was closed in favour of
  • PR 103724, which tried to introduce a Ranged wrapper annotating an integer type T with its valid range. Was closed in favour of
  • PR 107606, implementing a basic subset of the feature proposed in this RFC

Prior art for refinement types includes:

  • Liquid Haskell uses an SMT solver to implement flexible refinement types atop the normal Haskell type system. While allowing even more flexibility, this is out-of-scope for a general-purpose compiler.
  • Flux is the Rust equivalent to Liquid Haskell. The flexibility of the refinement bounds makes it easy to generate practically unsolvable problems:
    #[flux::sig(fn(n: u128) -> u128{v: v < n})]
    fn collatz(num: u128) -> u128 {
        let mut len = 0;
        while num != 1 {
            len += 1;
            match num % 2 {
                0 => num = num / 2,
                1 => num = 3 * num + 1,
    By not considering arithmetic operations and limiting the checks to a simple set-based analysis, proofs can be always achieved and in reasonable time, assuming that the pattern is simple (complex patterns are hard to write anyways because they are long).


Unresolved questions


The current proposal uses is as the separator between type and pattern. This is unambigous and easy to read, but does not fit well with the @ separator used in match guards.

Inference of unnamed patterns

If a type is specified without a pattern, e.g. i32, there are two possible interpretations:

  1. The type is unconstrained: i32 is _
  2. The pattern needs to be inferred: i32 is ? (pseudo-syntax)

For everything but local variables, option 1 is obviously the right choice, as type inference should be local.

But for local variables, the choice becomes less clear:

  1. is stricter and may prevent subtle breakage
  2. allows more code and leaves more possibilities for the future.

Future possibilities

  • Allow using the enum variant name as a shorthand for the pattern type constrained to only the variant and allow accessing the variant's fields (aka variant types).

    type Register = /* */;
    enum Operation {
        Add {
            dest: Register,
            source: Register,
    fn assemble_add(buf: &mut String, op: Operation::Add) { // Instead of `Operation is Operation::Add`.
        writeln!(buf, "add {dest}, {source})", op.dest, op.source);
  • Introduce a shorthand for constrained slices, where the length is a pattern:

    [i32; 314..=4096]
  • Introduce an empty pattern $ty is ! that behaves similar to ! which allows changing the return type of functions to clarify behavour:

    trait Trait {
        fn method() -> i32;
    impl Trait for () {
        // `-> !` would not have satisfied the trait's signature
        fn method() -> i32 in ! {
            loop {
                println!("rust rulezz")
    fn main() {
        // Never-to-any coercion
        let _: u16 = ().method();
  • Make pattern checking control-flow aware (like polonius), meaning that bounds only have to hold at the point where they are used. This would allow code like

    let mut num = 25;
    // some code later
    num = 5;
    let bind: i32 is 0..=10 = num;

    to work.

  • Consider arithmetic expressions for pattern checking. While this makes trivially-correct code like

    let i32 is 2 = 1 + 1;

    work, it also significantly complicates analysis.

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Jules-Bertholet commented Nov 15, 2023

Traits are only allowed to be implemented once per base type. While this trait implementation might be constrained by using a pattern type, allowing multiple impls for the same type is a form of specialization not currently allowed:

I assume you mean multiple impl blocks? This works today:

trait Foo {
    type Assoc;

impl<T> Foo for T {
    type Assoc = T;

// `<i32 is is 0 | 1>::Assoc = i32 is 0 | 1`
// `<i32 is is 0>::Assoc = i32 is 0`

How does the pattern checker/pattern inference handle invariance? For example, what would be the inferred type of m in the following code?

let m = &mut 1_u32;
*m = 2_u32;

TypeId::of<i32 is 0>::() presumably can't be equal to TypeId::of<i32 is 0 | 1>::(). Could this force the compiler to generate a bunch of extra monomorphizations for all the different pattern types that a function is called with? Does it pose a semver hazard?

Future possibility: have a special ! pattern that matches no values, eg i32 is ! would be uninhabited. is ! types could then have unique coercions, similar to those of the never type.

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joboet commented Nov 16, 2023

Yes, that's what I meant. It's the same rule that applies to references:

trait MyTrait {}

// These two conflict and would conflict even if 'a could be proved to be
// shorter than 'static, as lifetimes may not influence runtime behaviour.
impl MyTrait for &'static () {}
impl<'a> MyTrait for &'a () {} 

I'm unsure how to phrase this best. Do you have a suggestion?

This already works because inference is clever enough to figure out that it needs to relax the bounds:

fn subty() -> &'static () {

pub fn constrain<'a>(mut superty: &'a ()) {
    let mut r = &mut superty;
    r = &mut subty();

Patterns/refinements should be a compile-time fiction, so just like with lifetimes, there should not be multiple monomorphizations and TypeId should be the same. The alternative would be to make pattern types separate types that coerce into the base type, but that comes with a lot of downsides, as I described in the rationale section.

Thinking about it, the situation with Any is actually a major flaw with my current proposal. I see two solutions:

  • Make generic types imply T: BaseType. Inference would then automatically pick the right type, but this severely limits what you could do with pattern types.
  • Stop implementing Any for every type where T: 'static and make it compiler-implemented instead. This would break a lot of code, but that could be alleviated by adding a magic T: Any bound in old editions everywhere T: 'static can be proved. A hacky solution, but it drastically improves the possibilities of pattern types and all other forms of subtyping; while allowing people to drop this bound by being more explicit when upgrading to a new edition.

Do you have any examples of code that this would allow?

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Patterns/refinements should be a compile-time fiction, so just like with lifetimes, there should not be multiple monomorphizations and TypeId should be the same. The alternative would be to make pattern types separate types that coerce into the base type, but that comes with a lot of downsides, as I described in the rationale section.

Thinking about it, the situation with Any is actually a major flaw with my current proposal. I see two solutions:

  • Make generic types imply T: BaseType. Inference would then automatically pick the right type, but this severely limits what you could do with pattern types.

  • Stop implementing Any for every type where T: 'static and make it compiler-implemented instead. This would break a lot of code, but that could be alleviated by adding a magic T: Any bound in old editions everywhere T: 'static can be proved. A hacky solution, but it drastically improves the possibilities of pattern types and all other forms of subtyping; while allowing people to drop this bound by being more explicit when upgrading to a new edition.

"Pattern types are subtypes" does not necessarily imply "pattern types are erased at runtime." For example for<'a> fn(&'a u32) is a subtype of fn(&'static u32), but they have different TypeIds. See rust-lang/rust#56105, rust-lang/rust#97156

Also, pattern types as per this proposal aren't as fully erased as lifetimes, because non-generic ADTs can use them for niche optimization. So you should specify more explicitly exactly how codegen can and can't make use of them.

The discussions around adding Leak, DynSized, etc may be relevant here.

Do you have any examples of code that [never patterns] would allow?

fn never_returns() -> i32 in ! {

pub fn constrain(test: fn() -> i32) {}

fn main() {
    // Subtype-to-supertype coercion
    // never-to-any coercion
    let _: &'static str = never_returns();
trait Trait {
    fn method() -> i32;

impl Trait for () {
    // `-> !` would not have satisfied the trait's signature
    fn method() -> i32 in ! {
        loop {
            println!("rust rulezz")

fn main() {
    // Never-to-any coercion
    let _: u16 = ().method();

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Traits are only allowed to be implemented once per base type. While this trait implementation might be constrained by using a pattern type, allowing multiple impls for the same type is a form of specialization not currently allowed

Do pattern types (like i32 in 1..) implement Copy? If so, how do you square that with the above rule? If not, isn't that a huge usability hit?

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joboet commented Nov 21, 2023

These are my design goals:

  • it must be possible to constrain the return type of a function without breaking inference or name resolution. This ensures that inferring the patterns of literals does not create problems and allows integrating pattern types into existing code.
  • the same function should not need to be monomorphised multiple times for different patterns. Otherwise, upgrading the analysis could create problems; and binary sizes would increase drastically. I do think this should be allowed as an optimization however, where it makes sense (e.g. when inlining integer division).

I'll need a bit more time to think to create the set of rules that fits these goals best (you are very welcome to help).

I've added it to the future possibilities.

Do pattern types (like i32 in 1..) implement Copy? If so, how do you square that with the above rule? If not, isn't that a huge usability hit?

That's a very good point. For Copy, I think it would suffice to specify that T is ... always implements Copy when T does. The design goals do not conflict with this, as memcpy works the same way, regardless of the pattern. I would like to avoid "pattern generics" for the initial version, but it will probably be good to have in the long term.

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That's a very good point. For Copy, I think it would suffice to specify that T is ... always implements Copy when T does.

Copy: Clone, so it is Clone? And what happens if the Clone::clone() impl uses TypeId in its body?

Note that RFC 1521 is a thing. Furthermore, there are some observable specializations in the standard library that will skip the Clone impl for T even if T isn't Copy, but a subtype of T is: playground. I think the latter behavior is technically considered a bug, but nobody seems much bothered by it. So in all, there is likely significant leeway to override the behavior of Clone if it's necessary to make Copy work well.

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joboet commented Nov 21, 2023

That's a very good point. For Copy, I think it would suffice to specify that T is ... always implements Copy when T does.

Copy: Clone, so it is Clone? And what happens if the Clone::clone() impl uses TypeId in its body?

Note that RFC 1521 is a thing. Furthermore, there are some observable specializations in the standard library that will skip the Clone impl for T even if T isn't Copy, but a subtype of T is: playground. I think the latter behavior is technically considered a bug, but nobody seems much bothered by it. So in all, there is likely significant leeway to override the behavior of Clone if it's necessary to make Copy work well.

Oh, right. Then it's probably best to say that pattern types don't currently implement Copy. This means that in generic code, T: Copy would be inferred to be the base type. In the non-generic case, inference can figure out the right pattern type after copying (copy is magic, after all). So:

fn direct() {
    let a = 4;
    let b = a;
    let c: i32 is 4 = b; // works, because copy is magic.

works, but

fn copy<T: Copy>(a: &T) -> T { *a) }

fn indirect() {
    let a = 4;
    let b = copy(&a);
    let c: i32 is 4 = b; // doesn't work, the type of b is i32.

As for type id, constrained pattern types may not implement Any, as that would be a backwards-compatibility hazard:

let erased = (&4) as &dyn Any;
let unerased: i32 = *erased.downcast_ref(); // works today, but breaks if `type_id::<i32 is 4>()` is different from `type_id::<i32>()`.

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Again, the Clone/Copy relationship already breaks the rules today. So making it break more rules is perhaps not off the table.

struct Foo(i32);

impl Clone for Foo {
    fn clone(&self) -> Self {

impl Copy for Foo {}

In the example above, we could potentially claim that because, as per RFC 1521, Clone is meant to be equivalent to Copy if Copy is implemented, Rust is within its rights to simply ignore the user-provided Clone impl body. So Foo and all its pattern types implement Copy, and also Clone based on the Copy impl.

struct Foo(Option<String>);

impl Clone for Foo {
    fn clone(&self) -> Self {

impl Copy for Foo is Foo(None) {}

In the example above, we could potentially say that (again, to ensure Clone and Copy are equivalent whenever the latter is implemented) the Clone method body gets rewritten by rustc to match self { copy @ &Foo(None) => *copy, _ => { /* original user-provided Clone impl */ }}.

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Jules-Bertholet commented Nov 24, 2023

use core::ptr::addr_of;
use std::hint::black_box;
fn main() {
    let a = 3_u32;
    let ptr = black_box(addr_of!(a).cast_mut());
    unsafe { *ptr = 4 };

miri with MIRIFLAGS=-Zmiri-tree-borrows reports no UB on the following code. What is the inferred type of a?

(Edit: just remembered that validity is checked only on use, modified example to reflect this.)

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Jules-Bertholet commented Nov 24, 2023

Similar example of code that can't be broken:

fn main() {
    let mut a = 32_i128;
    unsafe {
        set_equal_to_0(&mut a);

/// # Safety
/// `T` must be at least as large as `u32`,
/// and it must be valid to zero the first 4 bytes of it.
unsafe fn set_equal_to_0<T>(mut_ref: &mut T) {
    let ptr = mut_ref as *mut T as *mut u32;
    *ptr = 0;

(Edit: just remembered that validity is checked only on use, modified example to reflect this.)

I think the way to make this all work is: any local that has its address taken through any mechanism other than & (so &mut, addr_of_mut!, and addr_of!), and that doesn't have an explicit type annotation, gets an inferred pattern type that is maximally permissive (as many values as possible are valid). (Whether addr_of! specifically needs to be in the list, might depend on currently-undecided opsem questions? rust-lang/unsafe-code-guidelines#257)

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joboet commented Nov 25, 2023

I don't think that the analysis needs to be changed at all, we just need to make it very clear what is and what isn't UB.

There are similar examples in the current type system (playground):

fn takes_ref(r: &u32) {
    println!("{}", r);

fn temporarily_modify(place: &mut &'static u32, val: &u32) {
    let tmp = unsafe {

    unsafe {

Here, we store a reference with a shorter lifetime where a 'static reference is expected, but since there is no place that actually relies on the lifetime here, this code is sound.

So to make your fantastic example (thank you for your help btw!) work, I think it suffices to say that undefined behaviour occurs only when using a value in a place where it is not expected. That means:

  • if no match guard matches the value
    let mut val = 1;
    unsafe { ptr::from_mut(&mut val).cast::<i32>().write(0); }
    match val { // UB occurs at the point of the match, not above
        1 => println!("hi"),
  • if the type of a variable is annotated with an explicit pattern
    let val: i32 is 1 = unsafe { transmute(0) }; // UB
  • if the type of a parameter is a pattern type that does not contain the value
    fn takes(v: i32 is 1) {}
    takes(transmute(0)); // UB

These situations cannot occur in current code, so it remains sound. In future code, care needs to be taken when combining pattern types with unsafe code, as the compiler can't check all the preconditions, but that is the definition unsafe.

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Jules-Bertholet commented Nov 25, 2023

  • if no match guard matches the value
    let mut val = 1;
    unsafe { ptr::from_mut(&mut val).cast::<i32>().write(0); }
    match val { // UB occurs at the point of the match, not above
        1 => println!("hi"),

The only thing preventing this from appearing in Rust code today is the lack of a guard matching 0 | 2... If we say that val is of type i32 is 1 in this situation, that means:

  • The compiler can't in general use pattern type information to eliminate dead arms in match, limiting any performance benefits this feature might have
  • The compiler can't in general use pattern type information to warn the user about the dead match arms, as the warning might be incorrect.

(See also "never patterns" discussion)

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joboet commented Nov 25, 2023

The compiler can't do that, but the user can. The way I phrased the rule above, this code

let mut val = 1;
unsafe { ptr::from_mut(&mut val).cast::<i32>().write(0); }
match val { // UB occurs at the point of the match, not above
    1 => println!("hi"),

would be completely fine to write and accepted by the compiler, and would simply exhibit UB.

On the other hand, yes, introducing dead-match arm lints would become really difficult.

I just don't want to sacrifice code like this:

let mut val = 1;
let r = &mut val;
*r = 5;
match val {
    1 => {}
    5 => {}

to make some already risky unsafe code be less error prone.

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I just don't want to sacrifice code like this:

let mut val = 1;
let r = &mut val;
*r = 5;
match val {
    1 => {}
    5 => {}

This would still be possible with an explicit val: i32 in 1 | 5 type annotation. Also, in this simple example, the &mut visibly isn't turned into a raw pointer or passed (by value or reference) to a function that could turn it into a raw pointer, so perhaps pattern inference could make use of that info.

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joboet commented Nov 30, 2023

I just don't want to sacrifice code like this:

let mut val = 1;
let r = &mut val;
*r = 5;
match val {
    1 => {}
    5 => {}

This would still be possible with an explicit val: i32 in 1 | 5 type annotation. Also, in this simple example, the &mut visibly isn't turned into a raw pointer or passed (by value or reference) to a function that could turn it into a raw pointer, so perhaps pattern inference could make use of that info.

But in that case, we don't actually gain anything, since there will still be UB if a match guard is missing, the linter will not be able to advise users to remove guards (since it cannot in general suggest to add is 1 | 5 without making code unsound) and the optimizer can't take advantage of patterns either.

I'd much rather have a simple, consistent analysis and move all the complexity to the lint implementations, especially since adding that special case costs us a lot:

IMHO one of the best things in Rust is the magic of the type inference; not needing to type out the type while still getting all the benefits of a static type system. With the current analysis, the magic works just the same: I image you would rarely need to spell out pattern types outside of signatures, while still benefiting from the newly gained protection and cleverness of the compiler. Having to spell out the pattern in half of the cases would make pattern types so much less useful and convenient.

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Nadrieril commented Jan 25, 2024

because of the limited scope of pattern checking, it can be skipped for all programs not utilizing it, so the compile time of existing Rust code would not be impacted.

This isn't true, all rust programs using pattern matching (i.e. all of them) are likely to be impacted. You don't need to add this sentence, it's fine to says that there may be some impact and we'll work to minimize it

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joboet commented Jan 25, 2024

I've removed the performance section, it is speculating too much anyway.

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