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Created September 9, 2014 20:57
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Zipper interface
package zipper
import "fmt"
type Ord int
const (
LeftLess Ord = iota
func (o Ord) String() string {
switch o {
case LeftLess:
return "LeftLess"
case Equal:
return "Equal"
case RightLess:
return "RightLess"
return "?"
// A Zipper represents a pair of ordered collections that can be zipped
// together. Elements of each collection are assumed to be sorted in
// ascending order.
type Zipper interface {
// LenLeft returns the length of the left collection.
LenLeft() int
// LenRight returns the length of the right collection.
LenRight() int
// Compare compares the left and right collection elements at i and j
// respectively. If the left element is less than the right, Compare
// should return LeftLess. The same applies for Equal and RightLess.
// Any other value will cause a panic during Zip.
Compare(i, j int) Ord
// AddLeft adds only the element from the left collection at i to the
// zipped collection.
AddLeft(i int)
// AddRight adds only the element from the right collection at j to the
// zipped collection.
AddRight(j int)
// AddBoth adds both the left and right elements at i and j to the zipped
// collection.
AddBoth(i, j int)
// Zip iterates through each element in the collection, comparing each leading
// element in each collection exactly once. Any two elements that are equal
// will be zipped together by AddBoth, otherwise the lesser element will be
// added on its own. Assumes the left and right collections are in ascending
// order when ordered by z.Compare.
func Zip(z Zipper) {
i, j := 0, 0
maxLeft, maxRight := z.LenLeft(), z.LenRight()
for i < maxLeft || j < maxRight {
switch {
case i >= maxLeft:
j += 1
case j >= maxRight:
i += 1
switch c := z.Compare(i, j); {
case c == LeftLess:
i += 1
case c == RightLess:
j += 1
case c == Equal:
z.AddBoth(i, j)
i += 1
j += 1
msg := fmt.Sprintf("Zip: compare returned %d: expected %s, "+
"%s, or %s", c, LeftLess, Equal, RightLess)
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