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Last active December 30, 2015 13:39
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  • Save jnjosh/7837207 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save jnjosh/7837207 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Script that gets the path to your built product from an Xcode workspace no matter your build location (Derived Data or Legacy Build Directory)
# Usage:
# app_path = product_path :workspace => "MyProject.xcworkspace",
# :scheme => "MyProjectScheme",
# :configuration => "Debug",
# :sdk => "iphonesimulator"
# puts app_path //=> /Users/yourusername/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/MyProject-bltlcokzhdicjggqmcrwibpdgdcp/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/
def build_settings options = { :workspace => nil, :scheme => nil, :configuration => nil, :sdk => nil }
build_output = `xcodebuild -workspace #{options[ :workspace ]} -scheme #{options[ :scheme ]} -configuration #{options[ :configuration ]} -sdk #{options[ :sdk ]} -showBuildSettings`
Hash[build_output.split(/\r?\n/).collect { |setting|
setting.split(' = ', 2).collect &:strip
}.reject { |setting|
setting.length != 2 || setting[0] == ""
def product_path options = { :workspace => nil, :scheme => nil, :configuration => nil, :sdk => nil }
settings = build_settings options
target_build_directory = settings[ "TARGET_BUILD_DIR" ]
executable_file_directory = settings[ "EXECUTABLE_FOLDER_PATH" ]
File.join(target_build_directory, executable_file_directory)
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Seems like you could further simplify this code by using split instead of a regex when building your hash.

build_settings.collect do |setting|
  pair = setting.split(' = ', 2).collect &:strip

This was typed on an iPad, so it probably contains errors.

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