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jniesen /
Last active June 19, 2017 12:10
Terraform environments and state backends

Given the following Terraform:

terraform {
  version = "0.9.8"

  backend "consul" {
    address = ""
    path    = "terraform/jniesen/tf-envs"

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am jniesen on github.
  • I am jniesen ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASB_tYeCOASU3XqBLeh1f1hrsx3mUbBfoJ5IKs2N1o9NCgo

To claim this, I am signing this object:

# [cert_arn] below is replaced with the ARN that you're curious about.
aws elb describe-load-balancers --region us-east-1 --query 'LoadBalancerDescriptions[?contains(ListenerDescriptions[].Listener[].SSLCertificateId, `[cert_arn]`)].DNSName'
jniesen / artifactory-augeas.service
Last active June 24, 2016 18:10
The augeas representation of a systemd unit
Description=Artifactory plus some other test
Requires=db.service host.service logger.service
; A comment
ExecStart=/bin/foo -a bar \
--foo=bar \
ExecStop=-/bin/foo -b bop
jniesen /
Last active May 20, 2016 07:11
Using Test-Kitchen


  • Test-Kitchen requires kitchen-puppet to have a puppet provisioner. kitchen-puppet requires librarian-puppet because it handles all puppet module dependency resolution for you via Puppetfile.
  • I can use a ruby > 2.1 without a bunch of crazy errors from beaker


  • Test-Kitchen was created for testing chef. Chef seems to get installed even when I'm using a puppet provisioner.
jniesen / gist:2af627f70a9bd3347aeb
Created February 11, 2016 12:16
errors from spec/external/cli_spec.rb in manheim_remedier
1) ManheimRemedier::CLI for ServiceNow backend allows you to open then close a CRQ when a change is made successfully
Failure/Error: raise
403 Forbidden: Operation against file 'change_request' was aborted by Business Rule 'Planned Start/End Date validation^7c065dc52b61120031a6308505da153d'. Business Rule Stack:Planned Start/End Date validation
# ./lib/manheim_remedier/runners/snow_runner.rb:21:in `rescue in open'
# ./lib/manheim_remedier/runners/snow_runner.rb:14:in `open'
# ./lib/manheim_remedier/cli.rb:9:in `open'
# ./spec/external/cli_spec.rb:68:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'