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Last active April 10, 2022 16:02
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  • Save jmtame/24d4987aa712b3274bde0decc1b25a79 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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autohotkey script for microsoft keyboard to use macos-like keyboard layout
; I use a Microsoft Sculpt Ergonomic Keyboard because they're great keyboards.
; The problem is: I don't like Windows shortcuts. I like how the MacOS shortcuts work.
; I also don't like Mac keyboards because they're not ergonomic.
; This script remaps the keys on a Microsoft keyboard to behave more like a Mac keyboard.
SC044:: ; f10
SoundSet, +1,, Mute
SC057:: ; f11
SoundSet -10
SC058:: ; f12
SoundSet +10
; ----- When saving, update the code in Notion. I'm not using Dropbox to store this file.
; Copying
Send ^c
; Pasting
Send ^v
; Print (or Play in Unity)
Send ^p
; Select all
Send ^a
; Window Hide
!h::WinMinimize, A
; Saving
Send ^s
; Cutting
Send ^x
; Opening
Send ^o
; Finding
Send ^f
; Undo
Send ^z
; Redo
Send ^y
; New tab
Send ^t
; close tab
Send ^w
; Close windows
Send !{F4}
; minimize windows
; switch language
Send !{Shift}
; open link in new tab (alt+click)
#IfWinActive ahk_class Chrome_WidgetWin_1
Send ^{Click}
; Alt + space triggers windows start menu
LAlt & Space::Send ^{ESC}
; Show desktop
!d:: ComObjCreate("Shell.Application").ToggleDesktop()
; In Unity, alt+d should be duplicate if the window is active
#IfWinActive ahk_exe Unity.exe
Send ^d
; -----------------------------------------------------------
; Chrome
; -----------------------------------------------------------
Send ^r
Send ^1
Send ^2
Send ^3
Send ^4
Send ^5
Send ^6
Send ^7
Send ^8
Send ^9
Send ^l
; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%
; -----------------------------------------------------------
; -----------------------------------------------------------
; Sane Navigation Shortcuts with Alt
; An easier and more consistent way to send PgUp/PgDown/
; Home/End for laptops with no dedicated keys for these
; functions.
; The following shortcuts recruit Alt as a better Fn key,
; since Alt is on both sides of the keyboard and isn't used
; much otherwise.
; Alt + left arrow = Home
; Alt + right arrow = End
; Alt + up arrow = PgUp
; Alt + down arrow = PgDn
; Each Alt key (right and left) must be referred to specific-
; ally, else problems arise. Also, it's sometimes necessary
; to leave out {Alt Up}.
; -----------------------------------------------------------
; Win + Alt + Left Arrow sends Win-Home
#!Left:: send {Win Up}{Alt Up}#{Home}
; PgUp/Down + Home/End shortcuts (Alt + arrow keys):
; first using right-Alt
; + arrow keys
>!Up::send {RAlt Up}{PgUp}
>!Down::send {RAlt Up}{PgDn}
>!Left::send {RAlt Up}{Home}
>!Right::send {RAlt Up}{End}
; Ctrl + PgUp/Down, Home/End
; function for text editors and word processors
>!^Up::send {Alt Up}{Crtl Up}^{PgUp}
>!^Down::send {Alt Up}{Crtl Up}^{PgDn}
>!^Left::send {Alt Up}{Crtl Up}^{Home}
>!^Right::send {Alt Up}{Crtl Up}^{End}
; Shift + PgUp/Down, Home/End
; function for text editors and word processors
>!+Up::send {Alt Up}{Shift Up}+{PgUp}
>!+Down::send {Alt Up}{Shift Up}+{PgDn}
>!+Left::send {Alt Up}{Shift Up}+{Home}
>!+Right::send {Alt Up}{Shift Up}+{End}
; Ctrl + Shift + PgUp/Down, Home/End
; function for text editors and word processors
>!^+Up::send {Alt Up}{Crtl Up}{Shift Up}^+{PgUp}
>!^+Down::send {Alt Up}{Crtl Up}{Shift Up}^+{PgDn}
>!^+Left::send {Alt Up}{Crtl Up}{Shift Up}^+{Home}
>!^+Right::send {Alt Up}{Crtl Up}{Shift Up}^+{End}
; now using left Alt too
; + arrow keys
<!Up::send {RAlt Up}{PgUp}
<!Down::send {RAlt Up}{PgDn}
; Alt + left becomes jump to beginning of line or end of line for apps that are not browsers
#If !(WinActive("ahk_class MozillaWindowClass") or WinActive("ahk_class Chrome_WidgetWin_1") or WinActive("ahk_class CabinetWClass"))
<!Left::send {RAlt Up}{Home}
<!Right::send {RAlt Up}{End}
; Notion is technically Chrome, so let's add it as an exception
#If WinActive("ahk_exe Notion.exe")
<!Left::send {RAlt Up}{Home}
<!Right::send {RAlt Up}{End}
; Ctrl + PgUp/Down, Home/End
; function for text editors and word processors
<!^Up::send {Alt Up}{Crtl Up}^{PgUp}
<!^Down::send {Alt Up}{Crtl Up}^{PgDn}
<!^Left::send {Alt Up}{Crtl Up}^{Home}
<!^Right::send {Alt Up}{Crtl Up}^{End}
; Shift + PgUp/Down, Home/End
; function for text editors and word processors
<!+Up::send {Alt Up}{Shift Up}+{PgUp}
<!+Down::send {Alt Up}{Shift Up}+{PgDn}
<!+Left::send {Alt Up}{Shift Up}+{Home}
<!+Right::send {Alt Up}{Shift Up}+{End}
; Ctrl + Shift + PgUp/Down, Home/End
; function for text editors and word processors
<!^+Up::send {Alt Up}{Crtl Up}{Shift Up}^+{PgUp}
<!^+Down::send {Alt Up}{Crtl Up}{Shift Up}^+{PgDn}
<!^+Left::send {Alt Up}{Crtl Up}{Shift Up}^+{Home}
<!^+Right::send {Alt Up}{Crtl Up}{Shift Up}^+{End}
; Alt + left/right arrow keys conflicts with existing short-
; cuts in file/internet browsers (plus Alt + up arrow con-
; flicts in Explorer). So, use OS X keyboard shortcuts in
; those programs, instead (plus an imperfect compromise
; to replace Alt + up).
; In OS X, to go back/forward, Command + left and right
; brackets ('[]') are used. So, the same are set up here,
; except using Alt instead of Command.
; An imperfect replacement for Alt-Up (or Command-Up in
; OS X) is Alt + '.' (period). The mnemonic for this is that
; '..' is used on the command line to go up one level in a
; directory.
; --Test if browser or Explorer is active window--
#If WinActive("ahk_class MozillaWindowClass") or WinActive("ahk_class Chrome_WidgetWin_1") or WinActive("ahk_class CabinetWClass")
; Alt-arrow navigation shortcuts for those programs
<!.::send !{Up}
<![::send !{Left}
<!]::send !{Right}
>!.::send !{Up}
>![::send !{Left}
>!]::send !{Right}
; --end Alt shortcuts--
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