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Created July 28, 2016 15:17
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Scraping Info from HTML page
#example of scrapping information such as a listing from a website
#that list results in a container for each 'match' of the search criteria.
require 'nokogiri'
website = ""
scrapped_info =
doc =[0]) { |f| Nokogiri::HTML(f) }
doc.css('.result-container').each do |x|
#want to push results into a hash so that we can query it later
a = {
"name" => x.css('strong').text,
"details" =>
"introduction" => "Type: #{x.css('leaf').text}" + "| Schedule: #{x.css('clock-o').text}",
"start_age" => x.css('.row[2] div').text.split(/-/)[0].split(" "),
"end_age" => x.css('.row[2] div').text.split(/-/)[1].split(" "),
"address_street_name" => x.css('map-marker result-category-content').text.split(/,/)[0],
"address_city_name" => x.css('map-marker result-category-content').text.split(/,/)[1],
"website_url" => "#{website}" + "#{x.css('@href')}"
scrapped_info << a
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