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Last active September 5, 2018 09:41
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Docker-CE Cloud-init for Ubuntu 16.04 (LTS)
# Upgrade the instance on first boot
# (ie run apt-get upgrade)
# Default: false
# Aliases: apt_upgrade
package_upgrade: true
# Install additional packages on first boot
# Default: none
# if packages are specified, this apt_update will be set to true
- docker-ce
- jq
- curl
# The apt config consists of two major "areas".
# On one hand there is the global configuration for the apt feature.
# On one hand (down in this file) there is the source dictionary which allows
# to define various entries to be considered by apt.
# Section 1: global apt configuration
# The following examples number the top keys to ease identification in
# discussions.
# 1.1 preserve_sources_list
# Preserves the existing /etc/apt/sources.list
# Default: false - do overwrite sources_list. If set to true then any
# "mirrors" configuration will have no effect.
# Set to true to avoid affecting sources.list. In that case only
# "extra" source specifications will be written into
# /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*
preserve_sources_list: true
# Section 2: source list entries
# This is a dictionary (unlike most block/net which are lists)
# The key of each source entry is the filename and will be prepended by
# /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ if it doesn't start with a '/'.
# If it doesn't end with .list it will be appended so that apt picks up it's
# configuration.
# Whenever there is no content to be written into such a file, the key is
# not used as filename - yet it can still be used as index for merging
# configuration.
# The values inside the entries consost of the following optional entries:
# 'source': a sources.list entry (some variable replacements apply)
# 'keyid': providing a key to import via shortid or fingerprint
# 'key': providing a raw PGP key
# 'keyserver': specify an alternate keyserver to pull keys from that
# were specified by keyid
# This allows merging between multiple input files than a list like:
# cloud-config1
# sources:
# s1: {'key': 'key1', 'source': 'source1'}
# cloud-config2
# sources:
# s2: {'key': 'key2'}
# s1: {'keyserver': 'foo'}
# This would be merged to
# sources:
# s1:
# keyserver: foo
# key: key1
# source: source1
# s2:
# key: key2
# The following examples number the subfeatures per sources entry to ease
# identification in discussions.
# 2.1 source
# Creates a file in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ for the sources list entry
# based on the key: "/etc/apt/sources.list.d/curtin-dev-ppa.list"
source: "deb [arch=amd64] $RELEASE stable"
# 2.2 keyid
# Importing a gpg key for a given key id. Used keyserver defaults to
keyid: 0EBFCD88 # GPG key ID published on a key server
# 2.3 PPA shortcut
# Setup correct apt sources.list line and Auto-Import the signing key
# from LP
# See for more information
# this requires 'add-apt-repository'. This will create a file in
# /etc/apt/sources.list.d automatically, therefore the key here is
# ignored as filename in those cases.
source: "ppa:longsleep/golang-backports" # Quote the string
## poweroff or reboot system after finished
# default: none
# power_state can be used to make the system shutdown, reboot or
# halt after boot is finished. This same thing can be acheived by
# user-data scripts or by runcmd by simply invoking 'shutdown'.
# Doing it this way ensures that cloud-init is entirely finished with
# modules that would be executed, and avoids any error/log messages
# that may go to the console as a result of system services like
# syslog being taken down while cloud-init is running.
# If you delay '+5' (5 minutes) and have a timeout of
# 120 (2 minutes), then the max time until shutdown will be 7 minutes.
# cloud-init will invoke 'shutdown +5' after the process finishes, or
# when 'timeout' seconds have elapsed.
# delay: form accepted by shutdown. default is 'now'. other format
# accepted is +m (m in minutes)
# mode: required. must be one of 'poweroff', 'halt', 'reboot'
# message: provided as the message argument to 'shutdown'. default is none.
# timeout: the amount of time to give the cloud-init process to finish
# before executing shutdown.
# condition: apply state change only if condition is met.
# May be boolean True (always met), or False (never met),
# or a command string or list to be executed.
# command's exit code indicates:
# 0: condition met
# 1: condition not met
# other exit codes will result in 'not met', but are reserved
# for future use.
delay: "now"
mode: reboot
message: First reboot
condition: True
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It would be great to create a non-root user that is member of the docker group. What do you think?

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