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Created December 6, 2021 17:10
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My Titaniun aliases
export TITANIUM_SDK_PATH="$HOME/Library/Application Support/Titanium/mobilesdk/osx/"
CURRENT_APPC_SDK=$(ls -t "$TITANIUM_SDK_PATH" | head -n 1)
export IPHONEUDID="XXX" # iPhone Simulator
export IPHONEREALID="XXX" # iPhone 11
export ANDROIDID="android" # Android 10 Google Pixel 3 - 4096 RAM - SDK 29
export ANDROIDREALID="XXX" # Real Android device
# NOTE: For add log: -l {trace, debug, info, warn or error}
alias simios="open -a Simulator"
alias updateappc="appc ti sdk install && npm -g update alloy"
alias tios="ti build --platform ios --target simulator -C $IPHONEUDID --liveview"
alias tios?="ti build --platform ios --target simulator -C ? --liveview"
alias tiosnl="ti build --platform ios --target simulator -C $IPHONEUDID"
alias tiosr="ti build --platform ios --target device --device-id '$IPHONEREALID' -V '$DEV_CERT' --skip-js-minify --liveview" #My iPhone 11
alias tiosrnl="ti build --platform ios --target device --device-id '$IPHONEREALID' -V '$DEV_CERT'"
alias iosr="ti build --platform ios -T device -C $IPHONEREALID -V $DEV_CERT --liveview --config-file --log-level info --no-banner --project-dir $HOME/Documents/Appcelerator_Studio_Workspace/foe-ahora"
alias and_emu="android -avd $ANDROIDID"
alias tand="ti build --platform android --target emulator --device-id $ANDROIDID --skip-js-minify --liveview"
alias tandnl="ti build --platform android --target emulator --skip-js-minify --device-id $ANDROIDID" # no liveview
alias tandr="ti build --platform android --target device --device-id $ANDROIDREALID --skip-js-minify --liveview"
alias tandrnl="ti build --platform android --target device --device-id $ANDROIDREALID"
alias cap_and="~/Documents/Android/sdk/platform-tools/adb shell screencap -p /sdcard/screen.png && ~/Documents/Android/sdk/platform-tools/adb pull /sdcard/screen-${CURRENT_DATE}.png"
alias cleanTesting="rm -rf ~/Library/Logs/CoreSimulator/* ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/*"
alias simios="$SIM_APP -SimulateApplication $SDK_DIR/iPhoneSimulator.sdk/Applications/"
alias tandcb="emulator @android -no-snapshot-load"
alias tgen="tn generate" # build profiles to load with TinY. Other commands: tn list
stopliveview() {
"$HOME/Library/Application Support/Titanium/mobilesdk/osx/$CURRENT_APPC_SDK/node_modules/liveview/bin/liveview-server" stop
ti clean
clean() {
echo -e "\nCleaning da hause...\n"
ti clean
echo -e "\nDeleting ./build if preceed...\n"
[[ -d build ]] && rm -rf build
echo -e "\nDeleting ./platform if preceed...\n"
[[ -d platform ]] && rm -rf platform
echo -e "\nDeleting $HOME/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports\n"
rm -rf /Users/ulysess/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/*.*
simboth() {
# Hack to avoid config file issues on appc run
sleep 1
appc run --platform ios -C "$IPHONEUDID" --quiet --liveview --liveview-eport 5556 --liveview-fport 8325 &
# Needed to avoid on iOS Couldn't find module: localeStrings. Play with the next value knowing iOS app must be launched before Android app.
sleep 4
appc run --platform android -C "$ANDROIDID" --quiet --liveview
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