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Last active September 19, 2024 15:32
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  • Save jlong/f06f5843104ee10006fe to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save jlong/f06f5843104ee10006fe to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
// Brightness math based on:
$red-magic-number: 241;
$green-magic-number: 691;
$blue-magic-number: 68;
$brightness-divisor: $red-magic-number + $green-magic-number + $blue-magic-number;
@function brightness($color) {
// Extract color components
$red-component: red($color);
$green-component: green($color);
$blue-component: blue($color);
// Calculate a brightness value in 3d color space between 0 and 255
$number: sqrt((($red-component * $red-component * $red-magic-number) + ($green-component * $green-component * $green-magic-number) + ($blue-component * $blue-component * $blue-magic-number)) / $brightness-divisor);
// Convert to percentage and return
@return 100% * $number / 255;
@function contrasting-color($color, $light, $dark) {
@if brightness($color) < 65% {
@return $light;
} @else {
@return $dark;
@import 'brightness';
$dark-background-color: #333;
$light-text-color: white;
$light-background-color: #eee;
$dark-text-color: black;
.dark-background {
background: $dark-background-color;
color: contrasting-color($dark-background-color, $light-text-color, $dark-text-color);
.light-background {
background: $light-background-color;
color: contrasting-color($light-background-color, $light-text-color, $dark-text-color);
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Just as a heads up to anyone else looking at this, it calls a method named sqrt, which isn't part of base SASS. You'll need to include one from either a math library or one of your own. Here's a simple one:

@function sqrt ($r) {
    $x0: 1;
    $x1: $x0;

    @for $i from 1 through 10 {
        $x1: $x0 - ($x0 * $x0 - abs($r)) / (2 * $x0);
        $x0: $x1;

    @return $x1;

Once you've implemented that, the function should behave as expected.

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Well played @dudeofawesome

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