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Created January 6, 2015 04:02
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Xorg-server cross-compile jhbuildrc modified form
# This is a checkout and build configuration for building Xorg
# This can be copied to ~/.jhbuildrc and then run 'jhbuild build xserver'
moduleset = ''
checkoutroot = os.environ['DISCIMAGE'] + '/git'
modules = [ 'xorg' ]
prefix = os.environ['DISCIMAGE'] +'/usr/local'
autogenargs = ' --disable-static'
autogenargs += ' --disable-dri2 --with-driver=dri'
autogenargs += ' --cache-file=' + checkoutroot + '/autoconf-cache'
# lots of people really like to always look in /var/log, but change if
# you want the log files out of place
autogenargs += ' --with-log-dir=/var/log'
autogenargs += ' --with-mesa-source=' + checkoutroot + '/mesa'
autogenargs += ' --enable-malloc0returnsnull'
os.environ['ACLOCAL'] = 'aclocal -I ' + prefix + '/share/aclocal/'
os.environ['INSTALL'] = '/usr/bin/install-check'
# Enabled debugging for xserver
os.environ['CFLAGS'] += ' -g'
os.environ['CPPFLAGS'] += ' -g'
# Setup environment for cross compiling
os.environ['BUILD'] = 'i686-pc-linux-gnu'
os.environ['HOST'] = 'i686-unknown-linux-gnu'
os.environ['TARGET'] = 'i686-unknown-linux-gnu'
cross_compile_prefix = os.environ['HOST'] + '-'
tools = {'ADDR2LINE': 'addr2line',
'AS': 'as', 'CC': 'gcc', 'CPP': 'cpp',
'CPPFILT': 'c++filt', 'CXX': 'g++',
'GCOV': 'gcov', 'LD': 'ld', 'NM': 'nm',
'OBJCOPY': 'objcopy', 'OBJDUMP': 'objdump',
'READELF': 'readelf', 'SIZE': 'size',
'STRINGS': 'strings', 'AR': 'ar',
'RANLIB': 'ranlib', 'STRIP': 'strip'}
tools_args = str()
for tool in tools.keys():
fullpath_tool = cross_compile_prefix + tools[tool]
os.environ[tool] = fullpath_tool
autogenargs += ' --build='+os.environ['BUILD']
autogenargs += ' --host='+os.environ['HOST']
autogenargs += ' --target='+os.environ['TARGET']
for tool in ('AR', 'RANLIB', 'STRIP', 'AS', 'OBJDUMP', 'NM'):
autogenargs += ' '+tool+'="'+os.environ[tool]+'" '
module_autogenargs['libGL'] = autogenargs + ' --without-demos --with-dri-drivers="swrast" --disable-glw'
module_autogenargs['libXt'] = autogenargs + ' --disable-install-makestrs'
module_autogenargs['xserver'] = autogenargs + ' --enable-debug'
module_autogenargs['pixman'] = autogenargs + ' --disable-gtk'
module_autogenargs['hal'] = autogenargs + ' --disable-pci-ids'
module_autogenargs['libXfont'] = autogenargs + ' --disable-freetype'
# For expat and zlib
os.environ['CFLAGS'] += ' -I' + os.environ['DISCIMAGE'] + '/usr/local/include/'
os.environ['CPPFLAGS'] += ' -IHello -I' + os.environ['DISCIMAGE'] + '/usr/local/include/'
# os.environ['LDFLAGS'] = ' -L' + os.environ['DISCIMAGE'] + '/usr/local/lib/'
os.environ['LDFLAGS'] += ' -Wl,--rpath -Wl,' + '/usr/local/lib/' #rpath is relative to where it is run from - DISCIMAGE
# Just in case zlib or expat were installed here
os.environ['CFLAGS'] += ' -I' + os.environ['DISCIMAGE'] + '/usr/include/'
os.environ['CPPFLAGS'] += ' -I' + os.environ['DISCIMAGE'] + '/usr/include/'
os.environ['LDFLAGS'] += ' -L' + os.environ['DISCIMAGE'] + '/usr/lib/'
os.environ['LDFLAGS'] += ' -Wl,--rpath -Wl,' + '/usr/lib/'
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