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Created August 1, 2010 05:11
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abstract class Status {
import java.util.Date
val id: Long
val text: String
val createdAt: Date
val user: User
val inReplyToStatusID: Option[Int]
val inReplyToUserID: Option[Int]
val inReplyToScreenName: Option[String]
override def equals(that: Any): Boolean = that match {
case s: Status => {
id == && text == s.text && createdAt == s.createdAt &&
user == s.user && inReplyToStatusID == s.inReplyToStatusID &&
inReplyToUserID == s.inReplyToUserID &&
inReplyToScreenName == s.inReplyToScreenName
case _ => false
override def toString =
"{ id => " + id + ", text => " + text + ", createdAt => " + createdAt +
", user => " + user + ", inReplyToStatusID => " + inReplyToStatusID +
", inReplyToUserID => " + inReplyToUserID + ", inReplyToScreenName => " +
inReplyToScreenName + " }"
object Status {
import scala.xml._
import com.cardinal.util.DateParser
def apply(xml: NodeSeq): Status = fromXML(xml)
def fromXML(xml: NodeSeq): Status = {
new Status {
val id = (xml \ "id").text.toLong
val text = (xml \ "text").text
val createdAt = DateParser parse (xml \ "created_at").text
val user = User(xml \ "user")
val inReplyToStatusID = {
val text: String = (xml \ "in_reply_to_status_id").text
if (text equals "") None else Some(text.toInt)
val inReplyToUserID = {
val text: String = (xml \ "in_reply_to_user_id").text
if (text equals "") None else Some(text.toInt)
val inReplyToScreenName = {
val text: String = (xml \ "in_reply_to_screen_name").text
if (text equals "") None else Some(text)
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