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Last active August 29, 2015 14:13
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Dijkstra's algorithm
object Dijkstra {
case class Edge[T](node: T, cost: Double)
case class Path[T](nodes: List[T], cost: Double)
type Graph[T] = Map[T, List[Edge[T]]]
def dijkstra[T](graph: Graph[T], paths: List[Path[T]], dest: T, visited: Set[T]): Option[Path[T]] = {
def unvisitedPaths(node: T, path: Path[T]): List[Path[T]] =
graph(node).filterNot(edge => visited.contains(edge.node))
.map(edge => Path(edge.node +: path.nodes, path.cost + edge.cost))
for {
path <- paths.headOption
node <- path.nodes.headOption
result <- if (node == dest)
Some(Path(path.nodes.reverse, path.cost))
dijkstra(graph, (unvisitedPaths(node, path) ++ paths.tail).sortBy(_.cost), dest, visited + node)
} yield result
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val graph: Graph[String] = Map(
"a" -> List(Edge("b", 7.0), Edge("c", 9.0), Edge("f", 14.0)),
"b" -> List(Edge("c", 10.0), Edge("d", 15.0)),
"c" -> List(Edge("d", 11.0), Edge("f", 2.0)),
"d" -> List(Edge("e", 6.0)),
"e" -> List(Edge("f", 9.0)),
"f" -> List.empty
val start = Path(List("a"), 0d)
val result1 = dijkstra(graph, List(start), "e", Set.empty)
println(result1) // Some(Path(List(a, c, d, e),26.0))
val result2 = dijkstra(graph, List(start), "z", Set.empty)
println(result2) // None
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