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Created February 24, 2017 18:25
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public class ASCIIHistogramMaker {
public static void main(String[] args){
String inFile="/data/challenge302intermediate.txt";
// ArrayList<int[]> graphData = new ArrayList<int[]>();
ArrayList<String> input = new ChallengeInput()
.getInputByLines(ASCIIHistogramMaker.class, inFile);
//take first line as the chart bounds and create new BarChart with those bounds
IntBasedBarChart chart = new IntBasedBarChart(input.remove(0).split(" "));
//take next line as the number of chart elements
int size = Integer.parseInt(input.remove(0));
for(int i=0; i<size ;i++){
// System.out.println("Parsing: graph data line=\""+input.get(i)+"\"");
chart.addData(stringArraytoIntArray(input.get(i).split(" ")));
}//end adding all lines
printChart(chart, size);
}//end main
private static void printChart(IntBasedBarChart c, int size){
ArrayList<int[]> data = c.getData();
if (data.size() == size){
//what is the step between elements
int step = ((c.getBounds().getMaxX() - c.getBounds().getMinX()) / size);
//find the MAX # of chars for each entry in the chart
//if chart starts at 0 and goes to 100, the step should be 3 chars
int charStep = String.valueOf(c.getMaxX()).length();
char chartChar = '*';
int numColumns=((size+1)*(charStep+1));
int yAxisCharMax = String.valueOf(c.getMaxY()).length();
for(int y=c.getMaxY();y>=c.getMinY();y--){
int maxX = 0;
for(int x = 1;x<numColumns;x++){
//need to find if the current column is a printing column
if(x % (charStep+1) == 0 && x >0){
//calc the current column in the data, check the value
//if the data value is <= current y axis, print chartChar
if(y <= data.get(x/(charStep+1)-1)[2]){
} else {//Y is > data value, so print space
System.out.print(" ");
} else {//not a printing column, print space
System.out.print(" ");
maxX = x;
}//end looping through x Axis
//print newline at the end of the X axis on this level of Y axis
System.out.println();//end the printed line
}//end of loop on data
//print the X axis
System.out.print(StringUtils.repeat(" ", yAxisCharMax));
for(int[] d: c.getData()){
System.out.print(String.format("%0"+String.valueOf(c.getMaxX()).length()+"d", d[0])+" ");
}//the data we got returned is the expected size
else {
System.out.println("ERROR: data size \""+data.size()+"\" is !="+size);
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