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Last active October 29, 2021 13:22
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CS145 F2021 Project 6 Public
from typing import List, Tuple, Dict
ROOM = {
"name": "basement",
"description": """You have found the basement of the mansion.
It is darker down here.
You get the sense a secret is nearby, but you only see the stairs you came from.""",
"exits": [
"destination": "entranceHall",
"description": "There are stairs leading up.",
"destination": "secretRoom",
"description": "A trapdoor was hidden amongst the dust.",
"hidden": True,
"items": [],
def get_destination() -> str:
# Using only indexing operations (on the global ROOM)...
# return the "destination" of the "hidden" exit
# If you want to be more flexible, you can write a loop that searches through the 'exits' for a hidden one.
return "TODO"
def test_get_destination():
assert get_destination() == "secretRoom"
def glue_two_lists(keys: list, values: list) -> dict:
Create a dictionary from parallel lists of keys and values.
If one is longer than the other, stop early.
You may not use zip or dict as functions; I expect you to need range and min.
output = {}
return output
def test_glue():
assert glue_two_lists(["A", "B"], ["a", "b"]) == {"A": "a", "B": "b"}
assert glue_two_lists([1, 2, 3, 4], "ABCD") == {1: "A", 2: "B", 3: "C", 4: "D"}
assert glue_two_lists("longer", "short") == {
"l": "s",
"o": "h",
"n": "o",
"g": "r",
"e": "t",
def count_tuples(data: List[Tuple[str, int]]) -> Dict[str, int]:
counts = {}
# Count up the word parts in data, given their existing counts.
# This will be similar to the counting functions we've seen in class, but where it's been partially counted up.
return counts
def test_count_tuples():
data = [("a", 3), ("b", 2), ("a", 2), ("c", 4), ("b", 3)]
assert count_tuples(data) == {"a": 5, "b": 5, "c": 4}
def find_minimum_position(xs: list) -> int:
# return the POSITION of the minimum element of xs
# try to do this without using python's min.
return -1
def test_find_min_pos():
assert find_minimum_position([]) == -1
assert find_minimum_position([10, 30, 5, 22]) == 2
assert find_minimum_position("ABCD") == 0
def reverse_dict(forward: dict) -> dict:
backward = {}
# Don't have to worry about multiple values collding as they become keys.
return backward
def test_reverse_dict():
assert reverse_dict({"a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 3}) == {1: "a", 2: "b", 3: "c"}
def menu_hotkeys(options: List[str]) -> Dict[str, str]:
Windows menus often underline letters in their menu options that
correspond to their “hot-key” which, usually when pressed with
Control, allow you to trigger that menu item without moving the
We’d like to choose a letter for each entry (that we haven’t picked
for another) that comes as early in the word as possible.
hotkeys = {}
return hotkeys
def test_menu_hotkeys():
assert menu_hotkeys(["First", "Second", "Third"]) == {
"f": "First",
"s": "Second",
"t": "Third",
assert menu_hotkeys(["Ax", "Ay", "Az"]) == {"a": "Ax", "y": "Ay", "z": "Az"}
options = ["Open", "Edit", "Save", "Save As...", "Close", "Quit"]
shortcuts = {
"o": "Open",
"e": "Edit",
"s": "Save",
"a": "Save As...",
"c": "Close",
"q": "Quit",
assert menu_hotkeys(options) == shortcuts
if __name__ == "__main__":
import pytest
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