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Last active August 23, 2023 11:57
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Remote Jupyter Kernel at CSCS


Direct Access to Computing Systems

  1. Get an Account and store your account name export CSCS_USER=unixname.
  2. Configure direct access to the computing system. You can use the ssh_config template:
    $ cat >> ~/.ssh/config <<EOF
    Host *
     AddKeysToAgent yes  # only for MacOS
     UseKeychain yes  # only for MacOS
     IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa
     User $CSCS_USER
    Match host !,*
     ControlMaster auto
     ControlPath ~/.ssh/%r@%h:%p
     ControlPersist 1
     User $CSCS_USER
     ProxyCommand ssh -q -Y -W %h:%p
    NOTE: check that you don't have any conflicting rules in ~/.ssh/config.
  3. Connect to the computing system (in following example use export or export using ssh $CSCS_SYSTEM.

Compute Node

  1. Make sure you are connected to $CSCS_SYSTEM (check previous section).
  2. Configure direct access to nodes without password:
    $ ssh-keygen
    $ cat .ssh/ >> .ssh/authorized_keys
  3. Start new compute node in interactive mode: srun -C gpu -J test -v -u bash -i and check the output of uname -a.
  4. From new terminal start new SSH connection to $CSCS_SYSTEM and check the job:
    (local)$ ssh $CSCS_SYSTEM
    ($CSCS_SYSTEM)$ squeue -u $USER -l
    Tue May  9 07:43:20 2017
     123456    normal     test    $USER  RUNNING       0:15   1:00:00      1 nid00000
    ($CSCS_SYSTEM)$ export CSCS_NODE=nid00000  # the name in last column 
    ($CSCS_NODE)$ uname -a
    Linux nid00000 3.12.60-52.49.1_2.0-cray_ari_c #1 SMP Mon Nov 21 15:40:26 UTC 2016 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
    Compare the output from step 2 and if they are equal the connection was successful. Now close this terminal.
  5. Close the running srun command by pressing ctrc+c twice.
  6. Include lines from .bashrc and run source ~/.bashrc to test it.
  7. Install IPython kernel: pip install --user ipython[kernel] and check its version: ipython kernel --version.
  8. Verify the IPython kernel version on new compute node: srun -C gpu -J test -v -u ipython kernel --version

Remote IKernel

  1. Make sure that you have Jupyter notebook installed otherwise run pip install --user jupyter[notebook] and check the version:
    $ jupyter notebook --version
  2. Install Remote IKernel package: pip install --user remote_ikernel and check the version:
    $ remote_ikernel --version
    Remote Jupyter kernel launcher (version 0.4.5). ...
  3. Configure remote kernel using SLURM interface:
    $ remote_ikernel manage --add \
        --kernel_cmd="ipython kernel -f {connection_file}" \
        --name=CSCS \
        --language=Python3 \
        --interface=slurm \
        --tunnel-hosts $CSCS_SYSTEM \
        --launch-cmd="srun -C gpu"
  4. Launch Jupyter notebook and select the CSCS kernel: jupyter notebook.

Using --remote-precmd

In case you don't want to edit your .bashrc, you can use --precmd option:

$ export CSCS_PRECMD=`cat - <<EOF
env -i bash --norc --noprofile
export PATH=$PATH:~/.local/bin
module load daint-gpu
module load TensorFlow/1.0.0-CrayGNU-2016.11-cuda-8.0-Python-3.5.2
$ ... --remote-precmd="$CSCS_PRECMD"

NOTE: check that resulting kernel.json does not include double backslashes.

# Include local bin path with Python packages.
export PATH=$PATH:~/.local/bin
# Make sure that all modules you need are automatically loaded.
module load daint-gpu
module load TensorFlow/1.0.0-CrayGNU-2016.11-cuda-8.0-Python-3.5.2


# Include local bin path with Python packages.
export PATH=$PATH:~/.local/bin

# Make sure that all modules you need are automatically loaded.
module load new
module load python/3.4.3


$ pip install --user ipython[kernel]

Remote IKernel

$ remote_ikernel manage --add \
  --kernel_cmd="ipython kernel -f {connection_file}" \
  --name="Euler" --cpus=1 --interface=lsf --tunnel-hosts \
  --verbose --workdir /cluster/home/${USER} \
  --remote-launch-args "-R light -W 00:30" \
  --reverse --reverse-job-connect "bjob_connect {jobid}"


$ PATH=/bin:/usr/bin /Applications/ 
$ jupyter kernelspec install /Applications/

Local R kernel

$ pip install --user cython numpy pandas
$ pip install --user feather-format
$ R
> install.packages(c('repr', 'IRdisplay', 'evaluate', 'crayon', 'pbdZMQ', 'devtools', 'uuid', 'digest'))
> devtools::install_github('IRkernel/IRkernel')
> IRkernel::installspec()  # to register the kernel in the current R installation
> install.packages('feather')

Compute Node

  1. Connect to $CSCS_SYSTEM.
    (local)$ ssh $CSCS_SYSTEM
  2. Make sure the R module is always loaded. TODO: upgrade R to 3.4
    ($CSCS_SYSTEM)$ echo "module load R/3.3.2-CrayGNU-2016.11" >> ~/.bashrc
    ($CSCS_SYSTEM)$ echo "export R_LIBS=~/R" >> ~/.bashrc
    ($CSCS_SYSTEM)$ source ~/.bashrc
  3. Install everything as shown in Local R kernel section. Make sure you are running it on $CSCS_SYSTEM.
    • Q: Would you like to use a personal library instead? A: y
    • Q: Please select a CRAN mirror for use in this session. A: 38 (even if 42 might sound as the right aswer for everything)

Remote R IKernel

  1. Make sure the you have followed Remote IKernel section in
  2. Configure remote kernel using SLURM interface:
    $ remote_ikernel manage --add \
        --kernel_cmd='R --slave -e "IRkernel::main()" --args "{connection_file}"' \
        --name=CSCS_R \
        --language=R \
        --interface=slurm \
        --tunnel-hosts $CSCS_SYSTEM \
        --launch-cmd="srun -C gpu"
  3. Install (if you have not done it before) SOS-Remote-IKernel: pip install --user git+
  4. Configure SOS_R_SLURM_NAME to be same as remote ikernel (see output of step 1):
    $ export SOS_R_SLURM_NAME=rik_slurm_cscs_r_sruncgpu_via_${CSCS_SYSTEM//./_}
    DEPRECATED: Simply use latest SoS package from GitHub.
  5. Launch Jupyter notebook and select the SOS kernel: jupyter notebook.


DEPRECATED: Simply use latest SoS package from GitHub.

The integration of remote IPython kernel and SOS is enabled by small Python package SOS-Remote-IKernel.

  1. Make sure that Compute Node and Remote IKernel are configured properly.
  2. Install SOS-Remote-IKernel: pip install --user git+
  3. Configure SOS_PYTHON_SLURM_NAME to be same as remote ikernel (see output Remote IKernel: step 2):
    $ export SOS_PYTHON_SLURM_NAME=rik_slurm_cscs_sruncgpu_via_${CSCS_SYSTEM//./_}
  4. Launch Jupyter notebook and select the SOS kernel: jupyter notebook.
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