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Created April 30, 2012 23:51
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Installing RAFT on OS X Lion
You'll find that getting QT to play nicely on Lion is less than intuitive and painful much less getting all of the Eric IDE pre-requisites working, as well. In a effort to ease your pains, here's the steps that I went through:
btw, these instructions are assuming you have an Intel Mac (I doubt Lion supports PowerPC, though).
- What developer hasn't installed Xcode on his Mac, yet?!?
- Xcode has the build tools that everything needs so you'll need this.
- I think the OS X version of Python will work but I used python2.7 from Homebrew
- You can figure this part out for yourself <= I'm too lazy!
Qt 4.8.1 <= as of this writing
- Download the SDK from here:
- I used the Online SDK installer but the Offline installer will probably work too.
- Just install the pkg like you normally would but be patient since this WILL take a while.
- Don't ask me what this is, just install it because you need it.
- Download it from here:
- tar -xvzf sip-<some version number>.tar.gz
- cd sip-<some version number>
- python -n --arch=x86_64 -s /Applications/
- make
- sudo make install
QScintilla - Qt4
- Don't ask me what this is, just install it because you need it.
- Download it from here:
- tar -xvzf QScintilla-<some version number>.tar.gz
- cd QScintilla-<some version number>
- cd Qt4
- /Users/<username>/QtSDK/Desktop/Qt/4.8.1/gcc/bin/qmake -spec /Users/<username>/QtSDK/Desktop/Qt/4.8.1/gcc/mkspecs/macx-g++
- make
- sudo make install
- This is used to bind python to the Qt framework
- Download it from here:
- tar -xvzf PyQt-mac-<some version number>.tar.gz
- cd PyQt-mac-<some version number>
- export QTDIR=/Users/<username>/QtSDK
- python -q /Users/<username>/QtSDK/Desktop/Qt/4.8.1/gcc/bin/qmake -a --use-arch=x86_64
- accept the license
- make
- sudo make install
QScintilla - python
- cd QScintilla-<some version number>
- cd Python
- python
- make
- sudo make install
RAFT (finally)
- Download RAFT here: svn checkout raft-read-only
- cd raft-read-only
- sudo python py2app <= I'm not sure if I had to install p2app before this
- and finally:
- open dist
- double-click on <= hooray!
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