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Created July 18, 2017 13:56
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EbbRT+NodeJS (Unikernel 7/11/17)

Constructing Per-Application Operating Systems

James Cadden, PhD Candidate

Boston University

Elastic Building Block Runtime

EbbRT is a framework for building per-application library operating systems


Project Goal:

Reduce the effort to construct and maintain library operating systems without inhibiting specialization





Library Operating Systems

  • Lightweight execution environment

  • Deployed directly on (virtual) hardware interfaces

  • Single-application, single address space


Application with LibOS and hypervisor


Decompose the LibOS into a set of system components...


...that are customizable, extensible, swappable, removable


Set chosen to fit the needs of a particular application


Statically compiled components combined at linktime


Application + OS compiled into single bootable image

EbbRT Native Runtime

  • Per-core event-loop

  • Non-preemptive execution / cooperative scheduling

  • Identity mapped memory w/ large pages



Ebbs encapsulate major system component functionality


Building an Application

  • Application source compiled using modified GNU toolchain

  • x86_64-ebbrt build target

  • Includes libstdc++, libc (newlib), C++/BOOST libraries

  • Bootable .elf binary with kvm/qemu driver support


Elastic Building Blocks (Ebbs)

  • C++14 objects with EbbRef type
auto myEbb=EbbRef<MyEbbType>();

  • Overload dereference operand to support specialized construction


Ebbs may have per-core representative instances


Instances are created lazily per-core


Instances are created lazily per-core


Instances are created lazily per-core


Or a single shared instance


EbbRT provides support for distributed Ebb invocation



  • Statically compiled, chosen at link time

  • Promote targeted customization

  • Promote reuse of specialized implementation



  • Invoke requests trigger a new action execution

  • Consider client request latency (service times) and platform throughput


Invoker nodes deploys actions in isolated containers


Specialized invoker OS for deploying actions


  • First-order design for runtime executions

  • Simplifications user access, resource provisioning, isolation, devices,





JavaScript files arrive via network


JavaScript files arrive via network


Scripts are compiled and executed by V8


Dependencies decomposed into per-core Ebb instances


Extending the LibOS


libuv: multi-platform system support library (asynchronous I/O)


libuv: multi-platform system support library (asynchronous I/O)

Hosted Runtime







Next Steps

  • Introduce multicore invoker to EbbRT-NodeJS

  • Determine limits of existing libuv support

  • Integrate EbbRT-Invoker into OpenWhisk



Performance Results (OSDI)


V8 Benchmark Suite


EbbRT-Memcached Server Performance


Performance Advantages

  • Event-driven multicore TCP/IP network stack

  • Identity mapped memory w/ large pages

  • Zero-copy I/O paths, asynchronous primatives



2x throughput at SLA


That's All Folks!

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