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Spice up your Windows Command Prompts with Starship and Fzf

So what is this Starship Prompt all about?

  In a nutshell the Starship Prompt is a program and a collection of scripts that allows you to customize and enhance the command prompt beyond what it was originally intended for. Not only will you be able to change colors and display special fonts, but add additional qol features useful for people who spend a lot of time working within the command prompt.
  To further clarify - when I mentioned the command prompt, I don't just mean the Windows Command Interpretor or PowerShell, I'm also refering to Bash, Zsh, and a few other supported shells thus making it also cross-platform. However for the scope of this guide we'll be focusing on the command prompts within the Windows Platform - PowerShell and Cmd.

References & Software

Starship Official Website

jimboy-701 /
Last active June 5, 2024 02:17
Arch Linux with ZFS root, zfs-dkms, ZFSBootMenu, and Secure Boot enabled

Install Arch Linux with ZFS root filesystem, zfs-dkms, ZFSBootMenu, Pacman Auto-snapshots, Secure Boot enabled

Configure system BIOS

Disable Secure Boot. ZFS modules can not be loaded if Secure Boot is enabled.

ZFS automated install script

Before moving on I need to point out that there exists a script that can automate the configuration and install of a ZFS root system. However as convenient as it sounds the script is limited in flexibility and scope. These limitation cannot be overcome unless one has the time and compacity to edit the script to their liking. If you want to install a ZFS root system as quickly as possible and don't care about any particulars than take a good look at this github page.

jimboy-701 /
Last active September 23, 2022 14:43
Raspberry Pi CM4 - How to enable and setup RealTimeClock

Raspberry Pi CM4 with IO Board - How to enable and setup the real time clock (RTC)

Note: This Howto \ Guide has only been tested on Raspberry Pi OS but may work with Ubuntu or other flavors of Debian Linux

When you first run the following command to check the RTC... you'll probably get the following output:

sudo hwclock -r

hwclock: Cannot access the Hardware Clock via any known method. hwclock: Use the --verbose option to see the details of our search for an access method.

First we need to disable the "fake-hwclock" which interferes with the real hwclock:

jimboy-701 /
Last active October 22, 2022 05:24
How to Install latest Debian and setup Docker on Raspberry Pie 4

How to Install Debian stable on RPI4 and setup Docker Engine Community CE

Download the latest Raspberry Pi OS 64-bit image (Debian base)

You can choose between a Desktop version or a Lite version without xorg & xfce

or get the vanilla Debian Images

Note: Using these images will require a few extra steps to setup which we will also cover below.
The rpi-eeprom package will not be available in the repos so you won't able to update the RPI's firmware if that's required.

jimboy-701 /
Last active September 23, 2022 16:41
Powershell scripting notes and snips

My PowerShell Scripting Notes

Running sequenced commands with && or || will usually result in the following error:

PS C:\Users\Example> echo Hello && echo World!

At line:1 char:12
+ echo Hello && echo World!
+            ~~
The token '&&' is not a valid statement separator in this version.
jimboy-701 /
Last active September 23, 2022 15:46
Docker commands - the basics

My Docker cheatsheet

Show an ip address of a docker container

ip addr show docker0

Show version numbers

docker -v
docker-compose -v