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Last active July 31, 2024 09:25
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Monitoring infrastructure
# setup
$rg = "x"
$ws = "y"
$ws_res = Get-AzOperationalInsightsWorkspace -ResourceGroupName $rg -Name $ws

list MMA data source

$kinds = "AzureAuditLog,AzureActivityLog,CustomLog,LinuxPerformanceObject,LinuxSyslog,WindowsEvent,WindowsPerformanceCounter,ApplicationInsights".Split(",") 
$kinds | ForEach-Object { Write-Host $_ ; Get-AzOperationalInsightsDataSource -ResourceGroupName $rg -WorkspaceName $ws -Kind $_ }

AMA migration scripts creates DCR for following kinds:

  • WindowsPerformanceCounter => Stream: Microsoft-Perf
  • WindowsEvent => Stream: Microsoft-Event
  • LinuxPerformanceObject => Stream: Microsoft-Perf
  • LinuxSyslog => Stream: Microsoft-Syslog
  • CustomLog => TBD

Powershell module does not give access to all endpoints

# Will fail. Filter by kind is mandatory. 
Invoke-AzRestMethod -Path ($ws_res.ResourceId + "/dataSources" + "?api-version=2020-08-01") -Method GET

REST API Spec lists all available data sources:

List legacy solutions

Get-AzOperationalInsightsIntelligencePack -ResourceGroupName $rg -WorkspaceName $ws

Migration tool will handle following solutions

  • VMInsights
    • => Stream: Microsoft-InsightsMetrics
    • => Extension: DependencyAgent, Stream: Microsoft-ServiceMap

Migration workbook

Solution categorization

| where type == "microsoft.operationsmanagement/solutions"
| extend workspace = tolower(properties.workspaceResourceId)
| parse workspace with * "/workspaces/" workspacename
| where workspace == tolower("{workspaceid}")
| parse name with Solution "(" *
| extend Solution = iff(isempty(Solution), name, Solution)
| where Solution !in ("azureActivity")
| extend workspacename = tolower(workspacename)
| extend Message = case(Solution in~ ('security', 'securityCenter', 'securityCenterFree', 'antimalware', 'sqlAdvancedThreatProtection',  'sqlVulnerabilityAssessment', 'sqlAssessment', 'sqlAssessmentPlus'), "Start migrating to Defender for Servers on AMA",
    Solution in~ ('windowsDefenderATP'), "Migrate to latest MDE solution for Windows 10+, For Windows 8 and lower, the legacy agent based support will be deprecated by August 2024",
    Solution in~ ('updates'), "Migration to Update Management Center (does not use legacy agents nor AMA)",
    Solution in~ ('azureAutomation'), "Migrate to Azure Automation Hybrid Worker Extensions (does not use legacy agents nor AMA)",
    Solution in~ ('changeTracking'), "Start migrating to Change Tracking on AMA",
    Solution in~ ('securityinsights', 'windowsFirewall', 'windowsEventForwarding'), "Migrate to Sentinel-AMA connectors",
    Solution in~ ('dnsAnalytics'), "Migrate to Sentinel-DNS-AMA connector",
    Solution in~ ('vminsights', 'servicemap'), "Migrate to VM Insights on AMA",
    Solution in~ ('containerInsights', 'containers'), "Already auto-migrated to AMA. Optional: Migrate to managed identity and DCRs",
    Solution in~ ('infrastructureInsights'), "This has been deprecated and no longer supported.",
    Solution in~ ('networkMonitoring'), "Migrate to Connection Monitor on AMA",
    Solution in~ ('adAssessment','adAssessmentPlus','adSecurityAssessment','sccmAssessmentPlus','windowsServerAssessment','exchangeAssessment','azureAssessment','exchangeOnlineAssessment','windowsClientAssessmentPlus','sharePointOnlineAssessment','spAssessment','sfBOnlineAssessment','sfBAssessment','SCOMAssessmentPlus','SQLAssessmentPlus', 'SQLAssessment/SQLAssessmentPlus','DesktopAssessmentPlus','WindowsClientAssessment'), "Migrate On-Demand Assessments now to AMA",
    Solution contains "Start-Stop-VM", "Migrate to the new Stop/Start VM V2 feature",
    Solution in~ ('behaviorAnalyticsInsights'), "Migrate to Identify advanced threats with User and Entity Behavior Analytics (UEBA) in Microsoft Sentinel | Microsoft Learn which does not use agents",
    Solution in~ ('AzureSQLAnalytics'), "Migrate to Monitor your SQL deployments with SQL Insights (preview) - Azure SQL Database | Microsoft Learn on AMA",
    Solution in~ ('agentHealthAssessment'), "Use the AMA Health workbook in the gallery instead",
    Solution in~ ('logicAppsManagement','Office365', 'LogicAppB2B'), "It will work the same on AMA",
    "If you plan to continue using this solution, please contact the solution owner using a support request")
| extend Link = case(Solution in~ ('security', 'securityCenter', 'securityCenterFree', 'antimalware', 'sqlAdvancedThreatProtection',  'sqlVulnerabilityAssessment', 'sqlAssessment', 'sqlAssessmentPlus'), "",
    Solution in~ ('windowsDefenderATP'), "",
    Solution in~ ('updates'), "",
    Solution in~ ('azureAutomation'), "",
    Solution in~ ('changeTracking'), "",
    Solution in~ ('securityinsights', 'windowsFirewall', 'windowsEventForwarding'), "",
    Solution in~ ('dnsAnalytics'), "",
    Solution in~ ('vminsights', 'servicemap'), "",
    Solution in~ ('containerInsights', 'containers'), "",
    Solution in~ ('networkMonitoring'), "",
    Solution contains "Start-Stop-VM", "",
    Solution in~ ('adAssessment','adAssessmentPlus','adSecurityAssessment','sccmAssessmentPlus','windowsServerAssessment','exchangeAssessment','azureAssessment','exchangeOnlineAssessment','windowsClientAssessmentPlus','sharePointOnlineAssessment','spAssessment','sfBOnlineAssessment','sfBAssessment','SCOMAssessmentPlus','SQLAssessmentPlus', 'SQLAssessment/SQLAssessmentPlus','DesktopAssessmentPlus','WindowsClientAssessment'), "",
    Solution in~ ('behaviorAnalyticsInsights'), "",
    Solution in~ ('AzureSQLAnalytics'), "",
    Solution in~ ('logicAppsManagement','Office365', 'LogicAppB2B'), "",
| project workspace, workspacename, Solution, Message, Link
| order by ['Link'] asc

Common solutions

Virtual macine extensions

List all available extensions:

$location = "eastus"  # Specify the location
$publishers = Get-AzVMImagePublisher -Location $location
$extensions = @()
foreach ($publisher in $publishers) {
    $types = Get-AzVMExtensionImageType -Location $location -PublisherName $publisher.PublisherName
    foreach ($type in $types) {
        $extensions += Get-AzVMExtensionImage -Location $location -PublisherName $publisher.PublisherName -Type $type.Type

# List extensions
$extensions | Format-Table PublisherName, Type, Version, Location # Full list
$extensions | Select-Object PublisherName, Type -Unique  | Format-Table # Condensed list
$extensions | Select-Object PublisherName, Type -Unique | Where-Object {$_.Type -match ".*MDE.*"}  | Format-Table

List related settings

$subs | ForEach-Object {$subscriptionId = $_.Id ; Get-AzSubscription -SubscriptionId $subscriptionId | Set-AzContext ; Get-AzSecuritySetting }



Azure Security Agent extension

"New" MDE deployment:


Related MDE onboarding script setting.

$subscriptionId = (Get-AzContext).Subscription.Id
Invoke-AzRestMethod -Method GET -path "/subscriptions/${subscriptionId}/providers/Microsoft.Security/mdeOnboardings?api-version=2021-10-01-preview"

Or get information for all subs on tenant:

$subs = Get-AzSubscription -TenantId (Get-AzContext).Tenant
$subs | ForEach-Object {$subscriptionId = $_.Id ; Invoke-AzRestMethod -Method GET -path "/subscriptions/${subscriptionId}/providers/Microsoft.Security/mdeOnboardings?api-version=2021-10-01-preview"}

Note that this is read-only resource that is automatically created when supported Defender pricing tier is turned on.

  "error": {
    "code": "NonSupportedPricingTier",
    "message": "This subscription does not have Defender for Cloud's enhanced security features enabled. Please upgrade to use this feature. Learn more in"

Please note that when requestor does not have read access to subscription level endpoint will return 200 OK with empty payload:

    "value": []

Alternative onbording script source

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