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Last active November 5, 2018 19:13
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SimpleObserver & Debouncer demo
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:math';
void main() {
/// Use of the SimpleObservable base class.
final observable = SimpleObservable<String>(printCallback);
/// Recursively listens to [nextValue] and prints changes.
observable.value = 'a';
observable.value = 'b';
observable.value = 'c';
/// Use of the Debouncer class.
final debouncer =
Debouncer<String>(Duration(milliseconds: 250), printCallback);
/// Change the value multiple times before the debounce timer runs out.
debouncer.value = '';
final timer = Timer.periodic(Duration(milliseconds: 200), (_) {
debouncer.value += 'x';
Future.delayed(Duration(milliseconds: 1000)).then((_) async {
/// Cancels the above timer.
/// Make another change after the debouncer emits its value.
await Future.delayed(Duration(milliseconds: 500));
debouncer.value = 'hi';
// Multiple listeners are supported.
debouncer.values.listen((value) => print('Stream2: $value'));
// Transforming the stream.
handleData: (value, sink) => sink.add(['Transformed', value])))
void printCallback(String value) => print('Callback: $value');
void printStream(String value) => print('Stream: $value');
void printFuture(SimpleObservable obs) => obs.nextValue.then((value) {
print('Future: $value');
void funWithRandom() async {
final d = Debouncer<int>(Duration(milliseconds: 250));
final rng = Random();
int i = 0;
int count = 0;
d.values.listen((value) {
double fraction = ((++count / value) * 1000).round() / 1000;
print('count: $count, current: $value, pct: $fraction');
if ((count >= 25 && (fraction > 0.27 || fraction < 0.23)) || count >= 100)
while (!d.canceled) {
await Future.delayed(Duration(milliseconds: 100 + rng.nextInt(200)));
d.value = ++i;
// Output:
// Callback: a
// Future: a
// Stream: a
// Callback: b
// Future: b
// Stream: b
// Callback: c
// Future: c
// Stream: c
// Callback: xxxxx
// Future: xxxxx
// Stream: xxxxx
// Stream2: xxxxx
// [Transformed, xxxxx]
// Callback: hi
// Future: hi
// Stream: hi
// Stream2: hi
// [Transformed, hi]
// Random output...
// =======================================================================
/// A simple class that allows being notified of changes [value] via the
/// [onValue] callback, the [nextValue] Future, or the [values] Stream.
/// Any combination of [onValue], [nextValue], and [values] can be used to
/// listen for changes.
/// Once canceled, it cannot be reused. Instead, create another instance.
class SimpleObservable<T> {
final void Function(T value) onValue;
var _completer = Completer<T>();
bool _canceled = false;
bool get canceled => _canceled;
T _value;
/// The current value of this observable.
T get value => _value;
set value(T val) {
if (!canceled) {
_value = val;
// Delaying notify() allows the Future and Stream to update correctly.
Future.delayed(Duration(microseconds: 1), () => _notify(val));
/// Alias for [value] setter. Good for passing to a Future or Stream.
void setValue(T val) => value = val;
void _notify(T val) {
if (onValue != null) onValue(val);
// Completing with a microtask allows a new completer to be constructed
// before listeners of [nextValue] are called, allowing them to listen to
// nextValue again if desired.
_completer.complete(Future.microtask(() => val));
_completer = Completer<T>();
Future<T> get nextValue => _completer.future;
Stream<T> get values async* {
while (!canceled) yield await nextValue;
/// Permanently disables this observable. Further changes to [value] will be
/// ignored, the outputs [onValue], [nextValue], and [values] will not be
/// called again.
void cancel() => _canceled = true;
/// Debounces value changes by updating [onValue], [nextValue], and [values]
/// only after [duration] has elapsed without additional changes.
class Debouncer<T> extends SimpleObservable<T> {
Debouncer(this.duration, [void Function(T value) onValue]) : super(onValue);
final Duration duration;
Timer _timer;
/// The most recent value, without waiting for the debounce timer to expire.
T get value => super.value;
set value(T val) {
if (!canceled) {
_value = val;
_timer = Timer(duration, () {
if (!canceled) {
void cancel() {
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