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seffs /
Last active September 14, 2024 17:54
Raspbian Bookworm - Ultra Minimal Kiosk Setup

This was tested on a FRESH Raspbian Bookworm Lite installation. Proceed with caution.

EDIT 23/12/2023: Removed dead download link and added own release

EDIT 09/06/2024: Force wayland after install

EDIT 06/07/2024: Add Troubleshooting section

EDIT 11/09/2024: Rearrange config file

Informatic /
Last active September 13, 2024 18:33
openlgtv webOS hacking notes

This is just a dump of some interesting undocumented features of webOS (3.8 specifically, on early 2018 4k LG TV) and other development-related tips.

Homebrew app ideas

tomardern / Dockerfile
Created January 6, 2021 10:12
Cypress Lambda Testing
FROM cypress/browsers:node14.7.0-chrome84
# Install aws-lambda-cpp build dependencies
RUN apt update && \
apt install -y \
ffmpeg \
xvfb \
g++ \
make \
cmake \
foriequal0 / StableNameStack.ts
Last active March 7, 2024 05:05
CDK StableNameStack
import { CfnElement, CfnResource, Stack } from "@aws-cdk/core";
import { makeUniqueId } from "@aws-cdk/core/lib/private/uniqueid";
import { Node } from "constructs";
import * as assert from "assert";
type PinnedLogicalIds = { [segment: string]: PinnedLogicalIds | string };
export class StableNameStack extends Stack {
pesterhazy /
Last active September 9, 2024 23:30
The pain and anguish of using IndexedDB: problems, bugs and oddities

This gist lists challenges you run into when building offline-first applications based on IndexedDB, including open-source libraries like Firebase, pouchdb and AWS amplify (more).

Note that some of the following issues affect only Safari. Out of the major browsers, Chrome's IndexedDB implementation is the best.

Backing file on disk (WAL file) keeps growing (Safari)

When this bug occurs, every time you use the indexeddb, the WAL file grows. Garbage collection doesn't seem to be working, so after a while, you end up with gigabytes of data.

Random exceptions when working with a large number of indexeddb databases (Safari)

Sg4Dylan / viewer_loader_0.1.8_2018-02-09.js
Last active September 12, 2023 15:09 online reader DRM
Open Source Software Licenses
Copyright(c) 2013-2014 ACCESS CO., LTD. All rights reserved.
This software includes all or part of the following open source software which is available under each license terms and conditions as follows:
* LAB.js (LABjs :: Loading And Blocking JavaScript)
v2.0.3 (c) Kyle Simpson
MeLlamoPablo / nvmlink
Created February 1, 2017 11:34
Creates a symlink to /usr/bin/node after using nvm
lukeplausin /
Last active August 29, 2024 20:27
AWS, JQ and bash command cheat sheet. How to query, cut and munge things in JSON generally.
# Count total EBS based storage in AWS
aws ec2 describe-volumes | jq "[.Volumes[].Size] | add"
# Count total EBS storage with a tag filter
aws ec2 describe-volumes --filters "Name=tag:Name,Values=CloudEndure Volume qjenc" | jq "[.Volumes[].Size] | add"
# Describe instances concisely
aws ec2 describe-instances | jq '[.Reservations | .[] | .Instances | .[] | {InstanceId: .InstanceId, State: .State, SubnetId: .SubnetId, VpcId: .VpcId, Name: (.Tags[]|select(.Key=="Name")|.Value)}]'
# Wait until $instance_id is running and then immediately stop it again
aws ec2 wait instance-running --instance-id $instance_id && aws ec2 stop-instances --instance-id $instance_id
# Get 10th instance in the account
cpsubrian /
Last active December 6, 2023 11:03
Compile Xvfb for AWS Lamba