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Created August 17, 2018 16:37
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selenium example
"id": "f0310b9c-3ed2-4b43-88f2-cf7fa1f6867a",
"name": "open",
"url": "",
"tests": [{
"id": "e9662b73-483b-4db9-9b84-b9a9652145b2",
"name": "Untitled",
"commands": [{
"id": "a2fffec4-2464-4d1b-a767-595da262e200",
"comment": "",
"command": "open",
"target": "/",
"targets": [],
"value": ""
}, {
"id": "5ec147bb-3140-4865-81a2-3afa934fc3a0",
"comment": "",
"command": "clickAt",
"target": "id=viewport",
"targets": [
["id=viewport", "id"],
["css=#viewport", "css"],
["xpath=//div[@id='viewport']", "xpath:attributes"],
["xpath=//body[@id='gsr']/div", "xpath:idRelative"],
["xpath=//div", "xpath:position"]
"value": "272,650"
}, {
"id": "ee692968-2876-448d-a8cb-0d32300f5459",
"comment": "",
"command": "verifyText",
"target": "css=span.Q8LRLc",
"targets": [
["css=span.Q8LRLc", "css"],
["xpath=//div[@id='fbar']/div/div/div/span", "xpath:idRelative"],
["xpath=//div[7]/div/div/div/div/div/div/div/span", "xpath:position"]
"value": "Canada"
"suites": [{
"id": "c6518da5-6526-478b-bea7-7d53aa55b5ba",
"name": "Default Suite",
"persistSession": false,
"parallel": false,
"timeout": 300,
"tests": ["e9662b73-483b-4db9-9b84-b9a9652145b2"]
"urls": [""],
"plugins": [],
"version": "1.0"
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